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AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 763 MB

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Liquid Bass and Lead Lines

The Liquid library ELECTROLINES delivers 78 themes and over 1000 analog synth sequences. Every single theme consists of leads, basses and effects, which are different in terms of filter movement, sound and groove.

Shape, Layer and Jell
This material can be used as a main melody, backing or fill-in. It‘s also compatible with diverse commercial / professional environments and tracking needs. All cuts have been sculpted especially for electronic music genres like Electro House, Electronica, Minimal, Progressive House, Trance, Tech House and Drum&Bass, to name a few.
ELECTROLINES was produced solely with analogue synthesizers and signal processing gear. A couple examples include:
Moog Voyager, Alesis Andromeda, Omega 8, Se-1x, Sh 101, Korg Monopoly, Oberheim Xpander & Ob-MX.


The Liquid-Player engine makes it possible easily alter the provided content. Change the key, tempo, pitch, or formants of whole melodies or single notes in only a few steps. It also allows you to switch the starting and end points.

Create the next catchy Clubtune at supersonic speed!

800 MB, 1024 Bass and Lead Lines
Liquid Soundbank for Mac/PC/AU/VST/RTAS
Liquid Player included - no sampler required!


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Flag EN spaceSound on Sound, 12-2009

Ueberschall´s Electrolines is a further volume in their popular Liquid Instruments series. We´ve looked at a number of there (...) Suffice to say that this approach makes the supplied phrases much more versatile then the quantity alone might suggest.

As indicated by the name, Electrolines is primarily a collection of bass and lead lines. The 800MB of material is organised into 78 ´themes´, with original recording tempos that tend to cluster around a club-friendly 130bpm. These themes are not construction kits, but instead contain multiple versions of a single melodic phrase, with each version played using a different synth sound ot with different processing applied.

The sound sources themselves sound big, fat and analogue and, given the musical target (serious club-orientated Techno, Hard House and Trance, for example) they´re spot on. The processing, including the application of lots of different filtering, means there´s plenty of variety in the sounds in a particular theme. The basic sounds go from thumping bass though to aggressive leads, with some of the themes containing as many as 20 variations. Indeed, some of the sounds are pretty extreme - so if you do audition, take care with your playback levels or you might find you speaker cones flapping on the floor.

The playing is equally extreme. While a small number of the themes are gentler in nature, in general, the ´melodic´ content is challenging; this material is not going to find it´s way into too many romantic love songs. Less obviously melodic material by Tiesto or Underworld, for example, might get you into the right ballpark and, in the main, I would think that the material is more obviously suited to tracks aimed at clubs rather than the mainstream commercial music charts.

Given that this is a collection of lead and bass lines, it doesn´t stand on it´s own and obviously need to to add the other elements necessary to create a complete track. While drums and percussion will be relatively straightforward, the Melodyne-based engine is a distinct plus here, as it makes it easier to combine these phrases with material from other loop libraries or your own performances. This flexibility, and the sheer quantity of material provided, certainly means the Electrolines gives you a decent bang for your buck. However, this library is aimed at quite a specialist market, so I´d recommend that you try to audition before making a purchase.

Rating: 5 Stars

Flag DE spaceSound on Sound, 12-2009

Wie der Name verdeutlicht handelt es sich bei Electrolines hauptsächlich um Bass- und Leadlines. Die 800 MB sind unterteilt in 78 Themen, das Originaltempo liegt hier bei clubfreundlichen 130 BPM. Die Themen sind keine Construction Kits sondern bestehen aus verschiedenen Versionen von einzelnen melodischen Phrasen die sich in Sound und Filterung unterscheiden.

Die Sounds an sich klingen dick, fett und analog und sind genau richtig für die musikalische Zielgruppe (Techno, Hard House und Trance, usw.). (...) Die Grundsounds reichen von pumpenden Bässen bishin zu aggressiven Leads und beinhalten teilweise bis zu 20 Soundvariationen eines Themas. In der Tat klingen einige Sounds sehr extrem beim Vorhören sollte man daher auf den Pegel achten sonst landet die Speakermembran schnell auf dem Boden.
Electrolines ist eine Sammlung von Lead und Bass Lines. Dieses Produkt steht nicht alleine sondern sollte mit eigenen Elementen vermischt werden um einen kompletten Track zu erzeugen. Die Melodyne Engine ist hier ein absolutes Plus. Sie vereinfacht es ungemein das Material mit Samples von anderen Libraries oder mit eigenen Tracks zu verbinden. Diese Flexibilität und die Menge an Material macht jeden investierten Cent absolut lohnenswert. (...)

Rating: 5 Stars

Flag EN spaceSound&Recording, 07/2009

Nothing for sophisticated musicians but friends of bad vintage sounds that scream for tweaking.


Sound&Recording, 07-2009

(...) The Electrolines come with the Liquid-Player that has its focus completely on tonal loops and makes them more flexible than any other player: the included Melodyne-Engine allows stretching and pitching almost without any artefacts so that you can suite each sound exactly to your project. The loops are seperated in their basicsounds: If you call up a preset you can trigger different variations from your keyboard. Ugly and rough, sometimes with simpel saw-synthsounds and racing 16th. Nothing for sophisticated musicians but friends of bad vintage sounds that scream for tweaking.

Christian Baum

translated by Wenzel Mehnert (Ueberschall)

Flag DE spaceSound&Recording, 07/2009

Nichts für Feingeister, sondern für Liebhaber boshafter Vintage-Fräsen, die sich auch mal gerne bedienen lassen wollen.


Sound&Recording, 07-2009

(...) Die Electrolines kommen mit dem Liquid-Player, der ganz auf tonale Loops eingerichtet ist und diese flexibler macht als alle anderen Player: Die eingebaute Melodyne-Engine erlaubt artefaktarmes Stretching und Pitching, sodass Sie jedes Sample an Ihr Projekt anpassen können. Unterteilt wird in Grundsounds: Ruft man eines der Presets auf, kann man auf der Tastatur zahlreiche Klangvarianten einer Sequenz abfeuern. Hässlich und rough, teilweise aber auch mit sägenden Simpel-Synthsounds und teils rasanten 16teln. Nichts für Feingeister, sondern für Liebhaber boshafter Vintage-Fräsen, die sich auch mal gerne bedienen lassen wollen.

Christian Baum


Interfaces: AudioUnits, VST, StandAlone, RTAS

System requirements:
MacOS X: 500 MHz / 512 MB RAM
Windows XP / Vista: 1 GHz / 512 MB RAM


+ control audio material as simply as midi data
+ change notes within the phrase
+ adapt tempo and key
+ select from a wide range of musical scales
+ control all parameters in realtime
+ pre-screening with adapted pitch and tempo
+ easily generate your individual setup
+ high quality Melodyne technology
+ multiple content management
+ edit start and ending
+ quick sound browser
+ all parameters midi controllable
+ save audio of original and modified loops
+ export to midi
+ sync to host
+ great bandwidth of styles
+ highest quality recording equipment

Required Registration:

Ueberschall products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.ueberschall.com to activate your license.

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An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.