Finest R&B

Finest R&B

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 1.76 GB

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$ 91.10

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Finest R&B
tight groovez, dope beatz & smooth flava

Featured by the Urbanic Series, The Finest R&B is an all new massive release which includes 16 Construction Kits providing 2.7 GB of smooth high quality R&B Music. Including tempos between 61 – 84 BPM, you’ll find primarily slow and calm Kits with applicable accents, which are perfect for creating love tunes, ballads or even melancholic/moody tracks.

All Construction Kits are filled with extraordinary samples, beatz, guitars, Rhodes, pianos, basslines, synths, pads, fx sounds and a whole bunch of Drum and Percussion sounds. Every sample on The Finest R&B is labeled with BPM information and root key (key signatures).

Furthermore, the kit contains up to 4 sub-kits and a drum single sound folder, material is organized as follows:

• Main Kit - Includes the main theme, sounds and phrases

• Variation Kit A - Provides an alternative track and phrases which is used to add contrast to the main theme

• Variation Kit B – Provides an additional alternative track and phrases which is used to give you more flexibility

• Intro/Outro Kit - Here you can find the matching intro/outro track for the overall kit, along with it‘s individual parts

• Single Drum Sound - The single-shots are centralized in this folder, making it easy to create your own additional drum patterns.

This structure makes it easy to select the correct vibe needed for your track. Plus the integrated Elastik player allows you to fit the samples to your individual needs. The content is geared toward Urban Music producers, especially R&B producers, looking for authentic R&B sounds. Everything is programmed to conform to the musical genre.

Responsible for this product is Marc Steinmeier. He has worked for Companies like Universal Music, EMI Electrola and Sony/BMG to name a few. He has assisted, produced or remixed for well known artists such as LL Cool J, Alica Keys, George Clinton, Eminem to name a few. He gave a lot of productions their break in terms of Sounddesign. This product guarantees a sound that is truly high fidelity.

don‘t waste your dough – get Finest R&B now

2.7 GB, 840 Loops and Single Sounds
Elastik Soundbank for Mac/PC/AU/VST/RTAS/StandAlone
Elastik Player included - no sampler required!

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Flag DE spaceamazona, 12-2009

Finest R&B beinhaltet 16 Construction Kits, aufgeteilt in zwei Elastik-Files, für die man 2,6 Gigabyte auf der Festplatte reservieren muss. Diese müssen dann in den Elastik Player importiert werden, der sich in verschiedenen Versionen auf der DVD befindet oder später ggf. als aktuellere Version von der Ueberschall Homepage geladen werden kann. Der Player liegt sowohl als Standalone Version als auch in den Plug-in Varianten für VST, AU und RTAS vor. Damit man die Samples letztendlich dann auch nutzen kann, müssen sie mit dem bei Ueberschall üblichen Challenge Response Verfahren über das Internet freigeschalten werden.
Sehr lobenswert: Die DVD enthält einen Ordner mit Videotutorials zur Bedienung der Elastik Engine.

Das Tempo der Construction Kits bewegt sich zwischen 61 und 84 bpm, wobei die Elastik Engine hier ja noch Eingriffe zulässt.
Ein Kit besteht aus vier bis sechs Untergruppen, die jeweils reich instrumentiert sind.
In der Regel sind die Songs aufgebaut in einen Ordner für das Hauptthema, gefolgt von Samples für eine Variation des Themas. Einige Male wird auch eine zweite Variation angeboten. Um das Ganze abzurunden, werden noch Samples für Intro und Outro bereitgestellt. Wem die Drumloops in Verbindung mit den Möglichkeiten des Elastik Players nicht ausreichen, der findet im letzten Ordner die einzelnen Drumshots.
Insgesamt also eine Menge Möglichkeiten für die Erstellung eines Musikstücks. (...)

Dass die Sample Libraries von Ueberschall „stilecht“ sind, ist bekannt und auch finest R&B macht hier keine Ausnahme. Die Samples sind durchweg authentisch und von hoher Qualität.
Wer fertige Construction Kits im Urbanen Stil benötigt, kommt an dieser Kollektion kaum vorbei. Die 16 Kits bieten den Grundstein für Ohrwürmer. Es sollte nicht schwerfallen, hier noch geschickt eigene Spuren hinzuzufügen.

Flag EN spaceamazona, 12-2009

Finest R&B keeps 16 Construction Kits seperated into two Elastik files that take 2.6 GB on your hard drive.
The tempo of the kits moves between 61 and 84 bpm, while Elastik still allows you to change it. One kit consists of 6 subfolders that are rich instrumented. There is one main folder and one folder for variations. Sometimes there is also a second folder included. To complete it all there is an Intro and an Outor folder and for those of you who like to produce their own drumloops there is also a single drum folder included.
All in all a lot of possibilities to create your own tracks. (...)


The samples from Ueberschall are authentic, that is a well known secret and Finest R&B is no exclusion. This library is from good quality through and through. Who is in need for construction kits in an urban style won‘t come pass this collection. (...)

translated by Wenzel Mehnert / Ueberschall


Free ELASTIK 3.6.3 Loop-Player is included in this product.
With its intuitive Loopeye editing environment, the high-quality pitch, key, scale and tempo manipulation algorithms and the huge collection of Elastik-ready sample libraries, spanning almost every conceivable musical genre, Elastik is a powerful workstation for loop-based musicproduction. It can be used either as a standalone application or as plugin within almost any DAW on both Windows and macOS platforms.


  • macOS 10.12 or higher
  • Apple Silicon Support
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 8 or higher

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