Historical Firearms - Designed Kit

Historical Firearms - Designed Kit

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$ 108.41

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Legacy Weapons - epic single bursts, volleys, reloads and more

The sound of historical battefields was loud and dominated by the explosive discharges of smoky muskets, carbines, cannons and revolvers. Historical Firearms brings you the exact sound of these old-fashioned weapons. Loud, deadly, uncompromising and from the times where no one even thought about things like silencers or ammo clips.

Historical Firearms Designed

  • A bang for every occasion - Create great epic battles from the civil war, the napoleonic wars or design the grand finale of a thrilling pistol duel.

  • Orchestrate large battles in no time - Historical Firearms Designed is your best choice for high quality sound effects of cannons, pistols, revolvers and rifles from the good old times. Whether you need some precise single shots or a group of up to 100 rifles. Scale it to your needs and let your audience reminisce the centuries past.

Included Sounds - Keywords

Rifles, muzzleloarder, breechloader, firearms, historical, guns, cannons, steel, revolvers, handling, trigger, flintlocks, cocking, sharps, gauge, calibre, volley, distant, close

290+ ROYALTY-FREE SOUND FX • 70+ WAV FILES • 192kHz/24bit • 0.9GB

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This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Required Registration:

BOOM Library products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.boomlibrary.com and with www.ilok.com to activate your license.

For your own protection this library is provided as individual personalized files including a Digital Water Mark - DWM!