House Musique

House Musique

release date: 11.11.2021
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 481 MB

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$ 44.56

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House Musique - 90s Funky Disco House

House Musique is fresh and funky Disco House material for your pleasure! Twelve inspiring and dynamic construction kits with a length of up to a minute for professional needs. To maximize flexibility, additional licks and loops are included to expand on the construction kit material.

Funky Disco House Material

Each of the twelve construction kits contains several drum loops, drum single sounds and instrument licks. Instruments include electric wahwah and funk guitars (65'strat), groovy bass lines (73'stingray), flutes, Hohner D6 clavinet, acoustic and electric pianos as well as Hammond B3 organs.


  • 12 construction kits with several drum loops and instrumental licks
  • additional drum loops, bass licks, guitar phrases, chords, keys and single drum sounds
  • 63 drum loops
  • 24 bass licks
  • 31 guitar phrases and chords
  • 34 keyboard loops

Elastik Features

Ueberschall‘s Elastik-Player is the perfect plug-in for House Musique. It offers fast time-stretching, pitch-shifting and scale syncing. Functions like resample, formant, reverse and the multimode filter make further loop manipulation easy and efficient. The player‘s attribute-based browser makes it possible to locate specific sounds across all installed Elastik libraries within seconds.


Flag DE spaceEQ, 12/2003

House Musique
Ob es eine schnelle Injektion von echt klingendem House oder eine Sammlung tanzorientierter Kits sein soll, House Musique hält, was es verspricht.

House Musique

EQ, December 2003

Man stelle sich vor, ein Kunde ruft an mit dem Wunsch, etwas für sein neustes Haarpflegeprodukt zu kriegen, das nach Spaß und Clubatmosphäre klingt. Aber man selbst steht eher auf den Roots-Rock-Kram, also was tun? Ich würde zu Ueberschalls "House Musique" greifen.

Das Produkt trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf, wenn es um die Art von Upbeat-House-Sound geht, den man heutzutage überall, von Country über Pop bishin zur TV-Werbung, hören kann. Aber keine Sorge, die Library "House Musique" ist keine verwässerte Produktion, sondern sie klingt genauso wie viele White-Label-platten, die ich in letzter Zeit gehört habe. In diesem Sinne sollte das Endergebnis wie der "real deal" klingen (ausgenommen vielleicht für House-Produzenten).
Insgesamt sind die gesampelten Sounds und Loops klug zusammengetragen und geschmackvoll arrangiert um klubtaugliche Tracks zu produzieren, die nur schwer von kommerziell veröffentlichten Material zu unterscheiden sind. Ob es eine schnelle Injektion von echt klingendem House oder eine Sammlung tanzorientierter Kits sein soll, House Musique hält, was es verspricht.

Flag DE spaceFuture Music, 10/2003
House Musique
Im Sinne einer Library kann man nicht mehr verlangen von diesem funky, chunky disco style.

House Musique

Future Music, October 2003

Um Disco und French House geht es bei dieser Sample-Library und wieder einmal besteht sie hauptsächlich aus Construction Kits, wenn auch viele Single Sounds und Loops dabei sind.

Insgesamt gibt es 12 Construction Kits, die mit einem Complete Mix beginnen und dann in Einzelspuren aufgeteilt werden. Das typische Kit besteht aus den Drum Parts in Loop-Form und deren Einzelsounds für diejenigen, die sie selbst gern rekonstruieren wollen, sowie dem instrumentalem Backing, das dann wiederum in seine entsprechenden Einheiten aufgeteilt ist: Diverse Bässe, Tasteninstrumente, Wah-Gitarre und so weiter.

Am Ende der Library steht eine große Sammlung Extraloops, die über 60 Drum Loops, ca. 90 Bass-, Gitarren-, Flöten-, Clavinet- und E-Piano-Licks beinhaltet, sowie über 220 Single Drum und Percussion Sounds.

Problematisch ist, das es durchweg kein kontinuierliches Tempo gibt - es pendelt zwischen 125 und 130 bpm her -, sodass die verschiedenen Kits nicht automatisch zusammenpassen (was jedoch kein Problem ist für User, die Live, ACID etc. benutzen). Aber im Sinne einer Library kann man nicht mehr verlangen von diesem funky, chunky disco style.

9 von 10 Punkten

Flag EN spaceEQ, 12/2003
House Musique
For a quick injection of credible-sounding house, or if youre building a collection of dance-oriented kits, House Musique delivers the goods.

House Musique

EQ, December 2003

The client called. They want something fun and clubby for their latest hair care product. Okay. But youre a roots-rock kinda person, so what to do? Id recommend grabbing Ueberschalls House Musique it nails the kind of upbeat house sound thats heard just about everywhere from country to pop to daytime TV ads. But dont worry, House Musique isnt watered down production-wise its as current as many of the 12" white labels Ive heard lately, so you should be able to come off sounding like the real deal (except maybe to house producers).
On the whole, the sampled musical hits and loops are cleverly cut and tastefully layered to create club-ready tracks that youd be hard pressed to discern from commercially released material.
For a quick injection of credible-sounding house, or if youre building a collection of dance-oriented kits, House Musique delivers the goods.


Flag EN spaceFuture Music, 10/2003
House Musique
As a collection you can´t really ask for more in that funky, chunky disco style. 9 out of 10

House Musique

Future Music, October 2003

Disco and French house is what this collection is all about, and once again we´re talking mainly construction kits, but there are plenty of single hits and loops included as well. There are 12 construction kits in all that first feature the whole mix before breaking down into each part. So for a typical kit you ll get the drum parts played out as loops, plus individual hits for those who want to reconstruct them themselves, the instrumental backing separately as a whole, before breaking that down into constituent parts, as well as any bass, keys, wah guitar and the like. Finishing off the collection are a wealth of extra loops, including over 60 drum loops, around 90 bass, guitar, flute, clav, organ and e-piano licks and over 220 single drum and percussion hits. It´s a pain that the tempo isn´t consistent throughout, choosing to meander between 125 to 130bpm, so the kits won´t instantly mix and match (no problem for those using Live, ACID and so on), but as a collection you can´t really ask for more in that funky, chunky disco style. 9 out of 10


Free ELASTIK 3.6.3 Loop-Player is included in this product.
With its intuitive Loopeye editing environment, the high-quality pitch, key, scale and tempo manipulation algorithms and the huge collection of Elastik-ready sample libraries, spanning almost every conceivable musical genre, Elastik is a powerful workstation for loop-based musicproduction. It can be used either as a standalone application or as plugin within almost any DAW on both Windows and macOS platforms.


  • macOS 10.12 or higher
  • Apple Silicon Support
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 8 or higher

Required Registration:

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This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.