Indian Dance Classics

Indian Dance Classics


ACID, AIFF, Apple Loops, REX, WAV
Download Size: 2.32 GB

max. 1 working day
$ 69.99

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A definitive collection of Indian rhythm styles. Over 750 samples and 1.7Gb of Indian percussion loops - all in pristine 24bit audio.

Welcome to Indian Dance Classics which features over 750 loops in 1.7Gb of samples with tempos ranging from 86bpm to 200bpm recorded on location in India. The sample were recorded in pristine 24bit using state of the art recording equipment with performances by top professional players from the Indian music industry.

Inspired by the unique sound of Indian dance music and using the same rhythm instruments and styles typically featured in Bollywood films Indian Dance Classics is a definitive collection of Indian rhythm styles.

All the major Indian Dance styles are included: Andhranatyam, Bharathanatyam, Dhandiyan, Garba, Kuchipudi, Kathakali, Kathak, Odissi, Bhangra, Manipuri, Folk, Goa Dance, Bombay Fusion and Rhythm Vocals.

Each Style is separated into Intros, Rhythms, Fills, Variations, Endings and Freestyles in order to give you the freedom and versatility needed to build your own grooves and songs.

The loops were created using the unique percussion instruments of India, namely Tablas, Pakhawaj, Mridangam, Ghatam, Khanjeera, Manjira, Tavil, Tamte, Khol, Dafli, Duffs, Dhol, Dholak, Udukai, Chende, Gungroo, Tambourine, Naal, Chimta, Dhollu, Tribal Big Drums, Dimdi, Duggis, Morsing, Nagara and Rhythm Vocals. Loops for all Indian instruments (except for folk, goa dance, bombay fusion, miscellaneous and vocal styles) were produced using Swar Systems virtual instruments.


* 750 Acidized WAV files
* 750 AIFF Apple Loops
* 750 Stylus compatible REX2 files

Download Formats: WAV, Acid, REX

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This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


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