Ivory 3 German D
release date: 28.02.2023

Ivory 3 German D

5.0 of 5
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AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 269279

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Ivory 3 German D - Legendary Quality

Ivory 3 represents a major leap in virtual piano recreation, and the platform offers some truly ground-breaking tech and features. This technology's core component is Synthogy's RGB engine, which enables expressive characteristics that behave like modeling technology while maintaining the intricate, full, and authentic sound of authentically recorded acoustic instruments.

Constant Velocity to Timbre in Ivory 3 is the most important of these qualities. The boundaries of velocity tiers or levels are gone. Real-time velocity to timbre change is provided by Continuous Velocity at every attack velocity. Ivory 3's Continuous Velocity feature offers endlessly smooth velocity to timbre change for each value sent, regardless of whether your controller is sending 127 values of MIDI 1.0 velocity, 16,384 values with MIDI (CC88) Velocity Extension, or 65,536 values of velocity with MIDI 2.0 16 bit Hi-Resolution velocity. This translates to an infinite range of tone color in musical terms!

Synthogy's critically acclaimed and award-winning Ivory II technology is expanded upon in Ivory 3. Together with full support and compatibility for Ivory II pianos and presets, all of the features from Ivory II have been brought over. But, Synthogy's unique RGB technology has taken the role of the Ivory engine's core functionality. Ivory 3's real-time playback and DSP technology, the RGB Engine (Real-time Gradient Blending), offers unmatched expressive possibilities and breathtakingly lifelike sound. Synthogy's RGB engine, which was specially created by Synthogy DSP guru George Taylor to be inventive, extendable, and versatile, serves as the basis for a powerful generation of real-time audio platforms.

German D Gui

The RGB engine powers such features as Continuous Velocity to Timbre: Real-time velocity to timbre on every piano strike. No more discrete velocity levels! Ivory 3 produces every nuance your controller can muster, whether the resolution is 127 MIDI 1.0 velocity values, or 65,536 MIDI 2.0 velocity values. Ivory 3’s range of tone color is unlimited!

Ivory 3 German D features all updated recordings of an exceptional Hamburg Steinway® D Concert Grand Piano. This majestic D-274 is characterized by its powerful, deep, resonant bass, and the round, singing tone of its treble. The unmistakable clarity and highly refined balance of tone throughout all registers makes this instrument a classic example of the beautiful and indelible Steinway® sound, brilliantly recreated and brought to life in the Ivory 3 engine.

Ivory 3 Features Include:

  • Enhanced Sympathetic and Sustain Resonance

  • Fine User Control of High-Resolution Dynamic Color

  • Multiple Stereo Microphones

  • Powerful On-Board Mixing Desk

  • Channel/Bus Effects such as EQ, Compression, Ambience, Chorus/Delay and more!

  • All New Graphical User Interface

  • Full Backwards Compatibility for Ivory II Libraries and Presets

Ivory Compariosn Chart

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Flag EN spaceSound On Sound Review 08/2023


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5  
23.07.2024 Sprache: deutsch

Erstklassiger realistischer Klang. Sehr gut durchdachte, logisch strukturierte Bedienoberfläche.Enorme Anzahl an Parametern die keine Wünsche offen lassen.Selbst bereits unter MIDI 1.0, ermöglicht Ivory 3 German D, fein nuancierte und fliessende Dynamikübergänge, was insb. sehr feinfühliges leises begünstigt - d.h. es treten hier keine unkontrollierbaren Lautstärkensprünge mehr auf. Mein Lob an die Entwickler!Ich kann Ivory 3 German D guten Gewissens weiterempfehlen.

5.0 of 5  
22.03.2023 Sprache: deutsch

Top Qualität zum fairen Preis. Unübertroffene Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten und Dynamik.



  • macOS 10.15 or higher
  • Apple Silicon compatible
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 16 GB RAM
Required Registration:

Synthogy products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.synthogy.com and with www.ilok.com to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

You can either "soft" activate on your computer without addditional hardware or transfer the license to an iLok USB dongle which has to be purchased separately. The iLok dongle can be used to run the protected software on different computers. Your licenses can be easily manged using the iLok Licence Manager. To protect your investment against theft or loss we recommend the iLok Zero Downtime protection with TLC.

An internet connection on any computer and a free user-accout at www.ilok.com is required to authorize the product.

Please check with the software manufacturer which iLok version is required at least if you want to use a hardware iLok!