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Mariana Bass Synthesizer
release date: 06.12.2023

Mariana Bass Synthesizer

4.0 of 5
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AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST3, Win

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$ 99109

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Virtual Bass Synthesizer

Mariana, a dual-layer software bass synthesizer by Moog Music, is expertly crafted for the modern production landscape, boasting the capability to delve into the deepest recesses of low-end tone and weight. In the realm of electronic bass, Moog has been a longstanding pioneer, and Mariana proudly carries on this tradition as an innovative software synthesizer.

Loaded with three LFOs, three envelopes, and two random generators per layer, Mariana provides a robust foundation for intricate sound design. Its creative and highly extensive modulation editor enables the creation of evolving sounds over time. Virtually every parameter within Mariana can be internally modulated via MIDI, MPE, and virtual CV, fostering an interconnected ecosystem within your DAW.

Mariana Bass Synthesizer

Classic Moog bass, expanded

Mariana expands the classic Moog bass, offering all the essential tools for creating deep, pulsating, professional bass sounds and more. It integrates features like tone layering, parallel filtering, crossover control, doubling, detuning, compression, dynamic saturation, and surgical stereo placement. This provides easy access to your preferred bass chain without the need for additional processors.

  • Modern Moog Bass: Built on the legacy of classic Moog bass instruments (Minimoog Model D, Minitaur), Mariana is a bass synthesizer with advanced features for crafting powerful basslines.

  • Dual Layers: Two separate synthesizer layers allow for complementary sound stacks or independent duophonic play, blendable as needed.

  • Deep Modulation: An extensive modulation matrix editor offers a vast array of modulation sources, targets, controllers, and functions, allowing complex modulation of almost all Mariana parameters.

  • Intuitive Interface: A beautiful, resizable, user-friendly interface provides effortless control over your bass sounds.

  • Metering and Compression: Built-in effects, compression, and metering add punch to your bass sounds and elevate them to a professional standard.

  • Interconnectivity: Mariana can interact with Moogerfooger effect plug-ins via virtual CVs, creating a modular Moog ecosystem directly in your DAW.

  • Preset Library: An extensive preset library covering a wide range of music styles and genres serves as a starting point for users to dive into musical creation or transform stock presets into something entirely unique.

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4.0 of 5  
09.12.2023 Language: englisch




  • macOS 11.7 or higher
  • Apple Silicon compatible
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 64 bit
Required Registration:

Moog Music products require you to register with the manufacturer at https://software.moogmusic.com and with www.ilok.com to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

You can either "soft" activate on your computer without addditional hardware or transfer the license to an iLok USB dongle which has to be purchased separately. The iLok dongle can be used to run the protected software on different computers. Your licenses can be easily manged using the iLok Licence Manager. To protect your investment against theft or loss we recommend the iLok Zero Downtime protection with TLC.

An internet connection on any computer and a free user-accout at www.ilok.com is required to authorize the product.

Please check with the software manufacturer which iLok version is required at least if you want to use a hardware iLok!