Simultaneous peak & loudness meter
With the Sonoris Meter, you can measure peak and loudness levels of audio signals, simultaneously at one scale. Besides a regular meter scale the Sonoris Meter supports the K-System, from Bob Katz, mastering engineer and founder of Digido masteringstudio. The end product closely follows the K-system specifications, including Leq(A) loudness metering and bandlimited pink noise monitor calibration.
The SMTR features an oversampling peakmeter mode. In this mode the SMTR catches intersample peaks that can cause ear fatiguing sound when audio is played on consumer CD players. Many CD players have inferior D/A converters with little headroom that will distort with samples above the clip level. These peaks occur when the audio is clipped (read squashed / limited) or otherwise digitally manipulated (eg. VSTi's). In oversampling mode the SMTR models the D/A conversion process and allows for maximizing the level but avoiding this distortion.
At the bottom of the interface a correlation meter can be found. This meter enables the user to monitor the phase relationship between the left and right channels.
Product Features
- Sample-accurate peak metering
- K-System metering, closely following the K-System spec. , with three metering sets:
- -K12 for broadcast productions
- -K14 for home theatre, pop, rock, folk, etc
- -K20 for wide dynamic music
- Regular, non K-system scale also available
- High resolution metering of peak and loudness levels, on the same scale
- Intersample peak metering mode
- Correlation meter
- Peakhold function with resetable indicators or 10 seconds hold
- Loudness measurement methods: RMS/flat (AES-17) and Leq(A-weighted)
- Pink noise output (left, right or stereo) for monitor calibration of 0dBr / 83dB
- Adjustable number of consecutive overs before clipping
- Resettable clipping indicators
- Resettable clipping incident counters
- Mousewheel support
- All samplerates supported
- Low CPU load
- Settings can be saved
- 64 bit resolution
- macOS 10.7 or higher
- 64 bit
- Intel processor
- Windows 7 or higher
- 32 & 64 bit
- Intel processor
Required Registration:
Sonoris products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.sonorissoftware.com and with my.plugivery.com/redeem to activate your license.
This product requires an activation!
An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.