

release date: 07.10.2021
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AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 118 MB

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Vintage Sampler Emulator

SampleX Version 3 delivers additional features like - LP/ HP Ladder resonant Filters, Stereo Width (Imaging) Control (Mono / M/S expander) & Beatskillz Dynamic Convolution System where they have sampled the real vintage samplers to get their exact sound at various levels.

Standard Variable Sample Rate, Bitrate, and an Aliasing Control (Shift) are also present. Beatskillz has also added IR Machine on/off feature, POP UP value display for the 1/0 section, Filter Section along with 2 additional Sampler Models.

Beatskillz went on a quest to study the actual circuitry and found each and every step right from the A/D converters, preamps, analog, and digital filters, and processes involved to recreate each stage and bring you a plugin that can not only emulate a sampler but many, and also lets you design your own sampler or vintage chip!

SampleX GUI

A/D Sample Section

  • Bits Control - Set the bit rate with this control. The Range varies from the modern-day 24 bit right down to 4 bits! You can also Double click the bit display LCD and manually enter the value that you desire.

  • SR Control (Sample Rate) - Set the sample rate with this control. The range varies from 96 kHz (Your DAW Sample Rate) down to 2khz, You can also Double click the bit display LCD and manually enter the value that you desire.

Aliasing & Drive Section

  • Shift - The key process of getting those “Aliased/ring” sounds from the vintage samplers was to lower the pitch of the samples. The Effect caused by vintage samplers is emulated here, allowing a user to “Dial-In” the exact aliasing sound that they want to hear, without actually modifying the pitch of the sample. ” Double Click” and Enter the value or Use the Dial.

  • Drive (ON/OFF Switch and Control) - In Vintage samplers, users often “Overloaded” the pre-Amp before the A/D Converter to get a “Driven” Sound. BeatSkillz have accurately emulated the sound found in the s900 sampler to give you the same saturation and drive and get even closer to the sounds of those vintage beasts. ” Double Click ” and Enter the value or Use the Dial.

  • Width Control - Width is a stereo fixed expander and collapser, Go from mono to the original stereo field to m/s expanded space with this control.

Analog Filter Emulation

  • Filter Type (The Red on/off Switch) - BeatSkillz have accurately modeled the popular vintage analog mono synth used on countless recordings. This is a 24 DB/OCT Low pass filter with resonance. If you increase the resonance it does FO into ” Self=Oscillation” creating a pitched Tone, Just like the original. This filter is perfect for those warm and dark tones fit for Lo-fi and Hip-Hop music, Extremely addictive.

  • Filter Freq Control - Set the cutoff frequency for the low pass filter here. The range is 20 KWZ to 20 HZ.

  • RES Control - Set the resonance of the low pass filter using the slider control. The Range is 0 to 1.0, you can go extreme and get the filter into self-oscillation mode like the real analog filter that it was modeled after.

Mix and Input-Output Section

  • Wet/Dry - The Wet Control will control the amount of the “Effected” signal and the Dry Control will mix in the Original/Clean signal. This gives you the possibility of mixing just the right amount of processing to your input audio.

  • In/Out - The in control lets the user increase or decrease the gain of the input audio and the out control lets the user increase and decrease and the gain on the output audio signal, after being processed by the plugin.

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  • macOS 10.4 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 / AMD Athlon 64
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • 300 MB hard drive space
  • 1024×768 display resolution


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 / AMD Athlon 64
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • 300 MB hard drive space
  • 1024×768 display resolution

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