Silencers - Construction Kit

Silencers - Construction Kit

release date: 18.09.2018
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Download Size: 3,06 GB

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$ 159.43

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Sharp, tough and on the mark - supressed weapons

The sounds of Silencers are for a special group of people: The silent killers, the special agents, the hitmen, the Special Forces, snipers, hunters and anyone whose profession is to remain silent but portrayed in a convincing way and at the best possible sound quality. And you as a sound designer are the one that can make it happen.

Silencers Construction Kit

18-Channel multitrack recordings

  • With the Silencers Construction Kit, you get our multi-channel source recordings so you can balance and mix the sounds just the way you want to. It contains more than 10GB and comes with rich weapon variety: 8 pistols, 11 assault rifles, 6 rifles, 4 shotguns and 2 submachine guns.

More than just shots

  • Additionally, you also get lots of bullet drops, bullet pings, handling, mechanicals, ricochets, ricochet fly-bys, tails and whiz-bys to not miss any sound when designing your suppressed weapon sounds for your projects.

Included Sounds - Keywords

silencers, assault rifles, pistols, sub machines, guns, SCAR, ricochet, bursts, badger, carbon, Benelli, Saiga, SMG, Remington, SIDS, hitman, special forces, snipers, hunters, silent, suppressors, weapons, gunfire, Glock 23, Walther, PPK, HK, UPS 9, AK47, HK 416, SIG 55, MP5

6800+ ROYALTY-FREE SOUND FX • 680+ WAV FILES • 96kHz/24bit • 10GB

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This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Required Registration:

BOOM Library products require you to register with the manufacturer at and with to activate your license.

For your own protection this library is provided as individual personalized files including a Digital Water Mark - DWM!