Soca Starter Pack

Soca Starter Pack

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Kontakt Player, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 156 MB

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$ 79

 3.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Soca Starter Pack - the rhythmic heart of a culture

Trinidad and Tobago proudly boast that their Carnival is the best in the world. The main reason for this is Soca - and now you can shake your hips with this authentic virtual instrument!

Created from a deep fusion of their rich East Indian and African native musical influences, this high-energy sound is the driving spirit for the country and all other Caribbean-themed Carnivals throughout the world.


  • Over 80 various Soca percussive loops sampled and curated by Precision Productions.

  • Over 70 various Single percussive shots of popular Soca instruments.

  • Bonus Guitar loops, created by legendary soca guitarist, Kenny Phillips

  • Options to access speed, tuning, quantization, attack and hold features(Main Page).

  • Options to access reverse, chorus, phaser, reverb delay and filter (FXPage).

  • Options to access the signature Precision loudness at the convenience of your fingertips

SocaSamples GUI

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Made for Kontakt Player

This product works with the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!

The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers wesite.

System Requirements:


  • macOS 10.14 or higher 
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or Apple M1 (native)
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or similar CPU
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)

Supported Interfaces:

  • Mac (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX
  • Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX

Legacy Versions:

If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.

Required Registration:

Indigisounds products require you to register with the manufacturer at to activate your license. To use Kontakt Player Libraries you also need to register with

This product requires an activation!

This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.

To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.

An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product.