Tascam DP-004/DP-006/DP-008 Video Course

Tascam DP-004/DP-006/DP-008 Video Course


Mac & Win

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$ 29.95

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Take your Tascam Recorder to the next level

The Tascam DP-004, DP-006 and DP008 Video Tutorial is designed to be more than just a complete guide to using the DP-004, DP-006 and DP-008: it teaches basic recording techniques to musicians getting their first start in recording. Since the production of this course, Tascam also came out with the models DP-006 and DP-008. Because the DP-006 it is basically the DP-004 and DP-008 with a few added features, this video course serves the Tascam DP-006 and DP-008 models too.


  • Complete Video Course with hands on demonstrations

  • Perfect from Beginners to Advanced

  • Taught by Industry Pro (Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Phil Collins, Diana Ross)

  • Over 200,000 Musicians, Music Producers and Audio Engineers taught

  • Over 30 years experience with over 70 video courses produced

  • Endorsed by Tascam

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Note: All courses are available online and in English only (No Download)!
You can view courses on any connected Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone.

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