Take your Tascam Recorder to the next level
The Tascam DP-004, DP-006 and DP008 Video Tutorial is designed to be more than just a complete guide to using the DP-004, DP-006 and DP-008: it teaches basic recording techniques to musicians getting their first start in recording. Since the production of this course, Tascam also came out with the models DP-006 and DP-008. Because the DP-006 it is basically the DP-004 and DP-008 with a few added features, this video course serves the Tascam DP-006 and DP-008 models too.
Complete Video Course with hands on demonstrations
Perfect from Beginners to Advanced
Taught by Industry Pro (Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Phil Collins, Diana Ross)
Over 200,000 Musicians, Music Producers and Audio Engineers taught
Over 30 years experience with over 70 video courses produced
Endorsed by Tascam
Note: All courses are available online and in English only (No Download)!
You can view courses on any connected Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone.
Required Registration:
Pro Audio EXP products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.proaudioexp.com to activate your license.
This product requires an activation!
An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.