From the makers of the best-selling Urban Ammunition comes the largest library of urban samples ever to hit the streets. With almost 8000 samples at your disposal Urban Legend will never fail to deliver something new to inspire your hiphop and RnB productions.
However, quality has not been sacrificed at the expense of quantity. All the samples are recorded in pristine 24bit and mastered to perfection using state of the art production tools. The programming is beyond compare but there is also plenty of live instrumentation as well to give you that all important groove. There´s even a bank of live orchestral samples!
The roll call of material includes an incredible 100 full construction kits. There are also 780 drumloops, 300 live drumloops, 150 live Orchestral samples, 220 percussion loops, 1550 single hits and over 300 multi-sampled bass, lead and pad synth instruments specifically created for use in urban tracks.
This is a sample library loaded with creativity and enough prime cuts to keep you firing for a very long time. Load up your musical arsenal now with Urban Legend!. Raise the standard again, Demand the best: URBAN LEGEND is a MUST HAVE collection.
This fantastic library comes as a double DVD set in the following formats that should suit every music producer. Formats supported include:
Akai MPC
Kontakt (Fullversion of Kontakt required)
Reason NN-XT
* 8.3Gb of sounds on two DVDs
* 7900 Acidized WAV files in total
* 100 Construction Kits with loops & single hits
* 780 additional drumloops
* 220 additional percussion loops
* 300 additional live drumloops
* 150 Live Orchestral Samples
* 1550 single hits
* 300 multisampled synth instruments
* FX and more......
This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.
Required Registration:
In order to use Zero-G Kontakt Player products, it is necessary to register at www.native-instruments.com.