Vocals with that SSL sound
Combining EQ and dynamics sections with essential vocal processors, Vocalstrip 2 aims to bring power, character and clarity to vocal tracks from a single interface. Vocalstrip 2 solves the challenges of producing great vocal recordings with four processing tools carefully selected and calibrated to deliver great results every time.
Key Features
4 selected vocal processing tools with a unique SSL twist
Comparative analysis & dynamic envelope based De-esser
Comparative analysis & dynamic envelope based De-ploser
3-band SSL EQ with High-Pass, 'asymmetric notch' and 'air' bands
Compander featuring compression, downwards expansion and output drive
Informative visual feedback showing EQ curves and real time FFT overlay
- macOS 10.12 - 11.6
- 64 bit
- RAM: 4GB or higher
- Windows 10
- 64 bit
- RAM: 4GB or higher
Required Registration:
SSL - Solid State Logic products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.solidstatelogic.com and with www.ilok.com to activate your license.
This product requires an activation!
You can either "soft" activate on your computer without addditional hardware or transfer the license to an iLok USB dongle which has to be purchased separately. The iLok dongle can be used to run the protected software on different computers. Your licenses can be easily manged using the iLok Licence Manager. To protect your investment against theft or loss we recommend the iLok Zero Downtime protection with TLC.
An internet connection on any computer and a free user-accout at www.ilok.com is required to authorize the product.
Please check with the software manufacturer which iLok version is required at least if you want to use a hardware iLok!