The complete mix methodology from DAW preparation to delivery!
Since it’s release, the eBook „YOUR MIX SUCKS” has become an international bestseller that now helps tens of thousands of people around the world to improve their mixes in 10 easy to apply chapters.
„YOUR MIX SUCKS” is THE complete methodology for the entire mixing process from preparation to delivery. In addition to the technical and artistical side of things, the book also deals with the people aspects of mixing audio, from networking to dealing with client feedback.
The book is part of a complete system that also includes the MIX-TEMPLE-DAW-Templates and exclusive and personal mastering and consulting-service MASTER FEEDBACK. All of these help songwriters, producers and audio engineers to get stunning results out of their productions.
- PDF-Format: ~ 200 pages, optimized for reading on computer-screens as well as on tablets and smartphones
- Life-long FREE updates: all buyers are eligible for regular updates, updates will always be FREE
- Designed for users of ALL DAWs: Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton, Studio One, Reaper, FL Studio, Garageband, etc.
- Helps you to save money and get the best out of the equipment you have – not sponsored by any manufacturer
- Use as workbook while you’re mixing: guides you chronologically through the entire mixing process
- Breaks complicated mixing techniques and principles down into easy to follow separate steps
Chapter Overview
Chapter 1 – Monitoring, loudness and your ears
- Steal mom’s kitchen radio!
- Mix like somebody walking by
- From small window to magnifying glass
- Listening Levels
- Switching Speakers
- Essential Monitoring Setup
Chapter 2 – Creating the „good enough” mix room
- Room Layout + Speaker setup
- Room Acoustics – Ghetto Style
- quick and effective improvements
- the 10-minute room test
- advanced bass trapping
Chapter 3 – Preparing your Mix Session
- What is mix preparation?
- Building the DAW Template
- The Concept of „handles“ and Complete Control
- Grouping and VCA-Faders on Consoles and DAWs
- References and A/Bing
Chapter 4 – The Magic of the 1st listen
- Listening to your emotional response
- Mixing for someone else
- Mixing your own song after you heard it 997 times
Chapter 5 – We are mixing! The Foundation, Bass and Gain Staging
- Low End Analysis
- Shaping Kicks, mixing bass
- Drum Replacement
- Gain Staging
Chapter 6 – It’s all about the Vocals
- A quick excursion into vocal recording
- Building your Vocal Chain
- Tuning, Esses, Breathing
- Syncing Doubles and Backing Vocals
Chapter 7 – Continuity
- Before you create dynamics, you have to create control.
- levels at the source
- careful limiting
- Nulling your faders
Chapter 8 – Parallel Processing
- blending clean and compressed sounds
- parallel compression on vocals and drums
Chapter 9 – Colors, Dimension + the Dynamic of your Mix
- a different look at compressors
- classic EQs + Filter and their applications
- Reverb Culture – using reverbs and delays
- Stereo Bus magic
- creating the dynamics of your mix
Chapter 10 – Stems, Mastering and Delivery
- Client Feedback on your Mix: ready for anything!
- Deadlines: how to survive them
- stems, mastering and delivery
- Client: „There’s one more thing…“
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