Nu Metal goes where no other sample library has ever dared venture before and records the workings of a real 100% genuine metal band. With construction kits based on real songs as well as blood-curdling vocals, bone-breaking drums, blood-soaked bass and guitar heavier than plutonium.The bone-crushing weight of this music comes from its atmosphere, the crushing riffs, the oppressiveness of the production and the intense personalities (and lyrics) involved. But this isn´t just standard rock music, it is modern and groovy metal with a sense of metal-core referencing bands such as Adema, Godsmack, Sevendust, StoneSour.
From the first visceral chord strike to the last head-splitting cymbal crash this library will really rock your socks off!
All the samples have been pre-cleared and are 100% original and royalty-free for your musical use without any additional licensing fees.
* Guitar Riffs and Loops
* Live Drumloops
* Basslines
* Vocals
* Drum Hits
* Guitar FX
* FX Loops
* Noise
Formate: (WAV, ACID, Kontakt (Full version of Kontakt required) , EXS24, REX, Reason NN-XT (Reason Software required), Apple Loops
This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.
Required Registration:
In order to use Zero-G Kontakt Player products, it is necessary to register at www.native-instruments.com.