Alpine Volksmusik 2 Crossgrade

Alpine Volksmusik 2 Crossgrade

4.6 of 5
Crossgrade ***

AAX Native, AU, ENGINE, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win
Download Size: 1.34 GB

in stock
$ 99

 4.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

*** Crossgrade for registered owners of Alpine Volksmusik 1

Alpine Volksmusik 2 Header

Alpine Volksmusik 2 is the sequel to the popular Alpine Volksmusik Library offering 42 unique patches for folk and brass music. The library covers all the instruments you need for the authentic production of Swiss Folk Music, Austrian Stubenmusik and German Marching Music.

All instruments were carefully recorded and offer different articulations that can be keyswitched to deliver authentic sounds. The interface of the library provides an easy way to customize the sound of the instruments. In addition to the standard controls volume, pan, and reverb, each instrument / patch has its own parameters.

Alpine Volksmusik 2 GUI and Box

Alpine Volksmusik 2 can be used in many ways. Are you a singer or instrumental soloist and would like to arrange your own pieces? Do you need half-playbacks for your performances? Do you want to supplement live studio recordings with additional sounds? Do you need a pre-production for a guest musician? With Alpine Volksmusik 2 you can do all this and more with ease. With the excellent instruments of this library you can arrange well-known and new songs in your composition software according to your own needs and wishes in high quality.

The Instruments

Alpine Volksmusik 2 Header Switzerland

The Swiss are represented by two Schwyzerörgelis, the Swiss version of the diatonic Accordion.
A five-course Appenzell dulcimer, an Alphorn ensemble and a bowed double bass complete the typical Swiss instrumentation.

Included Instruments:

  • Accordion | Alphorns | Berner Oergeli | Clarinet Swiss

  • Contrabass Swiss | Dulcimer Appenzeller | Nussbaumer Oergeli

Alpine Volksmusik 2 Header Austria

Austria offers a collection of instruments for Stubenmusik, probably the most original form of alpine folk music. Instruments like zither, guitar, harp and plucked double bass build the foundation. In addition, this group includes Styrian harmonicas (Steirische), an accordion, an ocarina and a recorder. The „Schuhplattler“ provide a rustic atmosphere with clapping and stomping. In case you should miss the three-voiced chromatic dulcimer, developed by the Salzburg musician Tobi Reiser - this instrument is part of the original library "Alpine Volksmusik 1".

Inlcuded Instruments:

  • Accordion Austria | Alpine Plattler | Contrabass | Harp | Jew´s Harp

  • Ocarina | Recorder | Rhythm Guitar | Steirische Pix | Steirische Vintage

  • Steirische Reed 8´ | Steirische Reed 8´8´ | Steirische Reed 8´8´+ | Steirische Reed 8´8´8´

  • Steirische Reed 8´8´8´+ | Zither

Alpine Volksmusik 2 Header Deutschland

Folk music from Germany is represented by marching music sounds. Wind and brass instruments like
clarinet, trumpet, flugelhorn, tenor horn, tuba come as solo and ensemble versions. Drum and percussion instruments are available offering various articulations.

Included Instruments:

  • Bb Tuba | Bb Tubas | Clarinet Ensemble | Clarinet | Clarinets | Cornet

  • Flugelhorn | Flugelhorns | Flute | Flutes | Glockenspiel | Piccolo Flute

  • Percussion | Tenorhorn | Tenorhorns | Trombone | Trumpet | Waldhorn

Created in cooperation with V3 SOUND

Works with Engine version or higher!

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Engine poweredBest Service ENGINE 2 Sample Player is included with this product!


  • macOS 10.15 - macOS 15
  • 64 bit
  • Apple Silicon (support via Rosetta 2)
  • Intel Mac
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB


  • Windows 8-11
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Intel Core processor
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB 

The latest Engine 2 and a tutorial video can be downloaded here:

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