Ample Bass JF - ABJF

Ample Bass JF - ABJF

3.0 of 5
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AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 119

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Virtual Bass based on Samples of a Jaco Fretless

Ample Bass JF is a virtual bass based on samples of a  Fender Custom Shop Jaco Pastorius Relic Fretless Jazz Bass. The library has over 2.2 GB samples, all recorded in 44.1 kHz and 24 bit quality. Ample Bass JF offers all common playing varieties such as Slap, Fingered & Slides. Features include the built-in tab player, which can load all popular tabular formats, as well as the "riffer" adjusting your basslines to the desired genre through a large selection of presets.

Ample Bass Jaco GUI 1

AMP system:

  • Built-in AMP system, including three classic AMP models: Vintage-15, Bass-500, Bass-Pro.
  • 1x15, 2x10, 4x10, 8x10 Four cabinets.
  • Each Cabinet has 4 mic options: U87, C414, MD421 and SM57.
  • Room Mics.

Ample Bass Jaco Amp Sim GUI

Riffer 2:

  • String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes - pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.

  • Dice - Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.

  • Multiple Formats Conversion: The conversion between Riff, MIDI, Tab multiple formats, Every fingering, articulation, expression, humanizations will be automatically converted to MIDI keyswitch and controller.

Ample Bass Jaco Riffer GUI


  • High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..

  • 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.

  • 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.

  • IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.

Ample Bass Jaco FX GUI

Tab Player:

  • The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitarass tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.

  • The Tab Player supports all the fingering, looping, chords, articulations and other markers in the loaded tablature. Supported articulations include: Strum, Natural Harmonic, Artificial Harmonic, Hammer On/Pull Off, Trill, Bend, Tremolo Bar, Legato Slide, Slide In, Slide Out, Vibrato, Tremolo Picking, Palm Mute, Slapping, Popping, Tapping, Let Ring, Staccato, Dead Note, Grace Note, Ghost Note, Accentuated Note, Fade In, etc.

  • As a built-in function, the Tab Player works seamlessly with the Ample Sound instrument engine, which has extremely customized guitar playing logic so as to model a real world guitar being played. The Tab Player can even judge on its own to automatically add some refining articulations when it thinks it is appropriate, such as slapping on strings or body, or other realistic and indispensable noises.

Ample Bass Jaco Tab GUI


  • Size: 2.2 GB
  • DFD(Direct from disk)
  • Rich Fingering Noise
  • Sustain, Palm Mute, Natural Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Slap, Pop, Artificial Harmonic, Accentuated, Repeat Note, Dead Note 12 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.


  • CPC(Customized Parameters Control), any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
  • Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
  • Alternate Tuner & lowest to B.
  • Multiple Capo Logics - providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
  • Stereo DI Signal.
  • Automatic and manual Buzzing system.

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The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

3.0 of 5
17.07.2019 Sprache: deutsch

Good library for Funk/Fusion, unfortunately no velocity mapping of Slap samples possible



  • macOS 10.9 or higher
  • Native support for Mac M1
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or higher


  • Windows 8 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or higher

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