Classic 60's Equalizer
The BT Equalizer PEQ2B recreates the sound of the classic 60s EQ. The interaction of the passive boosting and attenuating shelving eqs has been designed to bring back the life and musicality lost in the recording. The incredibly musical character of the BT Equalizer PEQ2B is the perfect choice when a truly vintage EQ sound is what your music requires. The PEQ2B is the equalizer of choice for final musical touches.
Product Features
- Low Frequency control (CPS): from 20Hz to 140 Hz
- Low Frequency Boost control : Shelf Boost, 0dB to +15dB
- Low Frequency Attenuate control: Shelf Atten. 0dB to -18dB
- High Frequency Bandwidth control: Sharp to Broad
- High Frequency control (KCS): from 4kHz to 16kHz
- High Frequency Boost control: Peak Boost, 0dB to +18dB
- High Frequency Shelf Attenuate control: 5kHz, 10kHz and 20kHz
- High Frequency Attenuate control: Shelf Attenuate, 0dB to -18dB
- Ouput level control (Trim)
- Peak-Limiter control
- Easy-to-use vintage interface
- Full Automation for all parameters PC and Mac OS X
- macOS 10.8 or higher
- 64 bit
- Intel processor (i3 recommended)
- RAM: 2GB (4GB recommended)
- 1024x768 or higher display resolution
- Windows 7 or higher
- 32 bit & 64 bit
- Intel- or AMD-processor with SSE2
- RAM: 2GB (4GB recommended)
- 1024x768 or higher display resolution
Required Registration:
Nomad Factory products require you to register with the manufacturer at and with to activate your license.
This product requires an activation!
An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.