Dodge Pro

Dodge Pro

5.0 of 5
Full Product

AU, Mac, VST2, Win
Download Size: 53.37 MB

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$ 29.90

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Dodge Pro Header

Off The Chain

We’re all familiar with the concept of sidechain processing; ducking the amplitude of one audio signal when another is playing. This studio technique is the basis for modern dance music and creates an energetic rhythm that gets hearts beating and feet moving. Dodge Pro takes this simple concept and pushes it into the stratosphere with not just sidechain ducking functions, but also rhythmic motifs, gated rhythms and special fx. Choose from the many presets or draw your own amplitude shapes using point-and-drag nodes, surgical drawing tools and 3 independent frequency bands. Assign up to 12 scenes via MIDI and tweak to your hearts content, with multiple curve types and note divisions.

Dodge Pro is the flexible and creative tool you’ve been looking for to take control of your sidechain shapes and make volume automation as simple (or as complex) as you want it to be.


  • Comprehensive multiband volume shaping

  • Adjustable 3-band EQ volume automation

  • Smooth and glitch free

  • Advanced line editor

  • Responsive & CPU friendly

  • MIDI triggered scenes

  • Factory presets & randomisation

Doge Pro Gui


With many included presets, it’s easy to find the perfect starting point for your own volume shaping exploits. There are specific global presets dedicated to sidechain ducking, trance gates, arps and special FX. These are useful and broad settings, ripe for tweaking to your own liking. Each of the 3 EQ bands and the master volume automation have simple one-click solutions to quickly access the most common shapes, providing shortcuts to basic ducking, gating and rhythmic shapes.

MIDI Scenes

Program up to 12 completely different MIDI scenes and switch them on the fly using your own chosen MIDI triggers. This makes Dodge Pro essential as an all-in-one solution to your volume shaping automation, allowing scene switching throughout your tracks to bring variety to your audio. This plugin is also an inspiring tool for live performance with scene switching triggered by an external controller.

Advanced Line Editor

Simply click the automation line to add a node then drag it to define the shape and curve. Complex curve shapes can easily be selected including a variety of single and double types, pulse, wave, saw and step automation. Quickly copy / paste lines and scenes and select common transformations with the easy access buttons. For an extra layer of programming, each primary automation line has a second layer that can be independently drawn and these are summed together to create more complex shapes for really creative effects.

Independent & Adjustable 3 Band Automation

Whereas most volume shaping plugins process the entire signal, Dodge Pro can split the audio into 3 frequency band ranges and apply different volume shape automation to each band. Simply drag the multicoloured band graphic at the top right of the interface to define the low, mid and high frequency crossover points. Then draw your automation lines for the 3 bands, all of which can have completely independent Volume, Shape, Sync, Length and Mix settings. Want to make just your low end pump, apply a midrange trance gate, or add a high frequency rhythmic effect? All of these configurations are quick and easy with Dodge Pro.


Choose to randomise the volume automation of entire scenes or a single band for some ducking and dodging effects that are truly off the chain.

Visual Feedback

The processed audio can be seen as a waveform in the centre of the interface, either by full frequency or split into the 3 bands. The live ducking is also shown via the mini-meters. Other options for UI feedback include a scaleable interface and left / right monitoring.

Bypass & Master Mix

The bypass control is smoothed to be as click and pop free as possible for unhindered A/B testing. Choose to mix the dodged signal with your original raw audio via the central Master Mix ratio control, allowing you to dial down the volume shaping for more subtle effects.

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The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
21.10.2022 Language: englisch

Usage: In a DAW as a tempo linked processor Recommended for: Experimentalists who want more than just default global signal duckingQuality: It works fine and the UI is clean and logical.



  • macOS 10.15 or higher
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 8 or higher
  • 64 bit

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