Efektor Harmonitron

Efektor Harmonitron

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 39

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Poly Pitchy Harmony

The ultimate pitch-shifting and harmonizing tool for sound designers and music producers: Kuassa Efektor Harmonitron. Utilize the power of pitch modification to give your soundscapes depth and texture. You can deepen your riffs with extra low-fatness and detuning, enrich your voice with higher pitch notes, or use your guitar's swell (slow attack) feature to produce an organ or synth-like tone.

Some of the most well-known musicians in the industry have been using the harmonizing pedal effect for years, including The Beatles, Tom Morello, Prince, and Jack White. Additionally, goregrind and death metal bands favor it for producing guttural, unnaturally low vocals.

Every slider has a range of -24 to +24 semitones (-/+ 2 octaves) that can be used to transpose the pitch up or down, with global detuning effects of +/- 50 cents. Efektor Harmonitron is a cutting-edge effect that distinguishes itself from other pitch shifting and harmonizing guitar effect pedal software on the market thanks to its four distinct pitch shifting engines with detune, swell, and low-pass filter choices. It is the go-to option for sound designers and music producers who want to elevate their sound thanks to its distinctive combination of features, unrivaled precision, and versatility that you won't find in any other product.

Key Features

  • Quad engine polyphonic pitch shifting

  • -24 to +24 semitones 

  • Up to four different pitch settings

  • Swell (slow attack) and low pass filter

  • Detune effect for wider and richer sounds

  • Individual volume and pan controls for the Dry signal and all pitch voices

  • Photorealistic graphics for lifelike guitar playing experience

  • Straightforward and easy to use interface

  • CV Inputs for Automation (Rack Extension only)

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  • macOS 10.7 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core2 Duo or higher (Intel i3 recommended)
  • RAM: 4GB


  • Windows 7 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core2 Duo/AMD Phenom II X4 or higher (Intel i3 or AMD A4 recommended)
  • RAM: 4GB

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