Electro ID

Electro ID

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 760 MB

in stock
$ 89.02

 4.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Sector 0
Circuit made madness in this exploration of techno frontiers. Includes a huge array of distinct high-tech loops in Construction_Kit formula. Modular, Analog and Digital synthesis provided foundation for the sonic probe authority. These segments also work well with edgy or creatively applied styles.

Sector 1
Heavy voltages inspired all material creating an electrified spectrum of synthesized disorder.

Sector 2
Multimodal styles based on Electro, Tech-House, Hardcore and Schranz. German Underground.

Sector 3
Inorganic resources include: Drum Loops, Synth, Bass Lines, FX, Single Sounds. Byte Crushing where necessary.

Sector 4
Experiments performed by artist Asem Shama (Techno ID / Ghostline / Franko Zeiger).

Sector 5
Human candidates classifications benefiting from release: DJ, Composer, GameAudio Pro´s

Results Super-strength Synths, Over-clocked Rhythms.

Key Points
Elastik Engine
1 GB sound material which includes:
+ 100 construction kits
+ 250 instrument loops
+ 100 drum construction kits
+ 300 single drum loops
+ 700 single sounds.

== Feel The Impact ==

- end of session -
Team Ueberschall

 More Info


Flag EN spaceComputer Music, 06/2007

Electro ID
Electro ID is absolutely ideal for quick and dirty soundtrack work.

Electro ID

Computer Music, June 2007

Electro ID covers all the major 4/4, techy styles (from Detroit techno to banging
electro house).
It offers plenty of big synth leads, basslines, percussion tracks and atmospheric FX,
the majority of which are of good quality and fit the prevailing mood.
there´s no denying that the Elastik engine makes it extremely easy to use the
sounds as prescribed. As such, Electro ID is absolutely ideal for quick and dirty
soundtrack work.


Flag DE spaceComputer Music, 06/2007

Electro ID
Man kann nicht leugnen, dass die Library über die Elastik Engine extrem einfach zu bedienen ist. Somit ist Electro ID die ideale Lösung für ein schnelle Produktion.

Electro ID

Computer Music, June 2007

Electro ID deckt alle gängigen 4/4, tech styles ab (vom Detroit Techno bis zum Banging Electro House).
Die Library bietet viele verschiedene Big Synth Leads, Basslines, Percussions und Atmo FX, die Mehrheit davon in guter Qualität und passend zu jeder aktuellen Stimmung.
Man kann nicht leugnen, dass die Library über die Elastik Engine extrem einfach zu bedienen ist. Somit ist Electro ID die ideale Lösung für ein schnelle Produktion.


Flag EN spaceEQ Magazine, 07/2007

Electro ID
If you want an instant electro construction kit where you can do a whole lot more than with simple static loops, consider making the stretch to get Elastik.

Electro ID

EQ Magazine, July 2007

Over the past few years, sample libraries have become inscreasingly wedded to
virtual plug-in/stand-alone snstruments. No longer do library developers have to be
concerned about being compatible with a particular sampler format; all they need is
something tat wrks with most, or all, major plug-in formats (VSTi, AU, RTAS, DXi).
Ueberschall´s Electro ID, for their Elastik virtual instrument platform, contains 100
constructionkits of German underground electro music, verging on techno and
hardcore. The typical kit includes drum loops, bass, synth, various effects, and
they´re smokin´: This is the real deal. But you can´t really consider the sounds with
the instrument, so let´s do go there. (By the way, Ueberschall has multiple products
that use the Elastik engine - not just Electro ID.)
I found Elastick confusing at first, and that kept me from getting deeper into it. My
mistake; once I realized this was an instrument more than a loop library, everything
fell into place and I started having a major blast. If you want an instant electro
construction kit where you can do a whole lot more than with simple static loops,
consider making the stretch to get Elastik.

By: Craig Anderton

Flag DE spaceEQ Magazine, 07/2007

Electro ID
Ueberschalls Electro ID, für den Elastik Player, bietet 100 Construction Kits German Underground Electro Musik, meist Techno und Hardcore. Die typischen Kits beinhalten Drum-Loops, Bass, Synth und verschiedene Effekte - und sie brennen!

Electro ID

EQ Magazine, July 2007

Über die letzten Jahre werden Sample Libraries mehr und mehr in Virtual Plugins verpackt oder als Stand Alone Instruments angeboten. Entwickler müssen sich nicht mehr länger um die Kompatibilität der einzelnen Sample Formate sorgen, sondern alles worum es jetzt geht ist ein funktionierendes Program für VST, RTAS, AU oder DXi.

Ueberschalls Electro ID, für den Elastik Player, bietet 100 Construction Kits mit German Underground Electro Musik, meist Techno und Hardcore. Die typischen Kits beinhalten Drum-Loops, Bass, Synth und verschiedene Effekte - und sie brennen!

Ich fand Elastik am Anfang verwirrend und das hat mich davon abgehalten tiefer in die Materie einzutauchen. Mein Fehler. Nachdem ich realisiert hatte, dass es sich mehr um ein Instrument als um eine Loop Library handelt viel es mir wie Schuppen von den Augen und alles ergab Sinn.
Wenn ihr auf der Suche seid nach einem sofort-einsatzbereitem Electro Construction Kit, das mehr kann als simple statische Loops, solltet ihr euch Elastik besorgen.

By: Craig Anderton


Free ELASTIK 3.6.3 Loop-Player is included in this product.
With its intuitive Loopeye editing environment, the high-quality pitch, key, scale and tempo manipulation algorithms and the huge collection of Elastik-ready sample libraries, spanning almost every conceivable musical genre, Elastik is a powerful workstation for loop-based musicproduction. It can be used either as a standalone application or as plugin within almost any DAW on both Windows and macOS platforms.


  • macOS 10.12 or higher
  • Apple Silicon Support
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 8 or higher

Required Registration:

Ueberschall products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.ueberschall.com to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.