Emotional Violin - the most expressive virtual violin of all time
If you are looking for the perfect instrument for film scoring, pop music, songwriting, classical or modern avant-garde violin compositions, the Emotional Violin is your first choice! A unique, virtual instrument that convinces through its variety of articulations, its direct and unadulterated sound and functions like True Legato and Rebowing. With its impressive and at the same time emotional sound, it enables expressions that have never been achieved before.
Contextual Sampling
Our philosophy during the recordings is called "Contextual Sampling". In order to find the perfect sound, several string instruments were sampled in various ways over a period of four years. We came to the conclusion that no technique comes even close to the actual and natural vibrato of a trained musician. The samples of true legato were always much more inspiring and had a more organic feel than added artificial legato. So our goal was to perfectly capture these musical aspects and combine them into a great sounding and easy to play instrument.
Emotional Violin consists of more than 100 articulations and their variations. Through elaborate, intelligent scripting countless articulations were usefully linked, so that they follow the user’s style of playing. This is the secret of Emotional Violin that makes for its exceedingly realistic and authentic sound.
Master Patches & True Legato
Emotional Violin contains three Master Patches, including „Emotional Violin“ and „Intimate Violin“. These contain a multitude of the recorded articulations, which logically interlock and provide an elegantly aligned sound, thanks to „True Legato“. In total, 3 different transition types were captured in countless sessions, which perfectly simulate bow changes or passionate portamento, easily controlled via velocity. The speed of the transitions automatically matches your DAW’s tempo.
Ornament Keyswitches
A special highlight are the Ornament Keyswitches. Unlike the articulation keyswitches, these are designed for the moment, to bring variations into chosen articulations. This way you can blend from a current playing style to another one (e.g. trills and tremolos) or you can generate variations (e.g. bow changes, to smoothly end a note), just by pushing an Ornament Keyswitch (e.g. trills and tremolos). Last but not least the Ornament MKS offer typical violin-effects like glissando (up and down), flageolett and many more.
Effective sound shaping
Emotional Violin offers a small but mighty collection of sound shaping possibilities, specifically tailored to the instrument. Aside from a typical 3-band EQ and a connectable sordino you will find timbre functions.
4 famous and experienced sound engineers created these convolution based presets (so called
Timbre Impulses) that allow for an easy and characterful modulation of the violin sound. To use the violin as 1st Chair Violin in an orchestral arrangement, we added a timbre EQ that places the violin in the correct orchestral seating. The icing on the cake are modules „Room“ and „Reverb“, which provide the sound of actual rooms, thanks to professionally recorded convolution presets - plus they can be tweaked separately.
You are the artist!
To meet the requirements of your playing, Emotional Violin offers additional features. At „Poly Legato“, for example, it automatically recognises whether a bound melody line or an chord is played and via „Legato Trimming“ you can manually set the speed of legato and portamento transitions. A speciality represents the attack feature, which enables the user to add a start sample independent of the selected articulation - for instance to add short or harsh starting notes during legato. The correct tuning is also provided: via the „Micro Tuning Option“ you can apply established tunings to the violin (e.g. pythagorean, Werkmeister III, and many more) or create entirely new ones.
The result is a library with unsurpassed authenticity
Emotional Violin offers a multitude of articulations - also unusual ones - you won’t find in any other library. Aside from the 3 big Master Patches, you will find more than 70 articulations structured in categories and available as Multi-Keyswitch-Patches - from expressive sustains, to pinpoint shorts with up 9 Round Robins, to trills and exotic effects, to dynamic crossfades within four layers. You can deactivate unused playing styles / keyswitches at any time via the „Purge“ feature, freeing up working storage for other instruments. So if you prefer to not work exclusively with keyswitches, this method perfectly suits you.
Simply select from one of the following
Normal Sustains with and without Vibrato, Multiple Progressive Vibratos, Multiple Espressivo, Flautando, Sul Ponticello, Morbid Sustains, Harmonics, Multiple Spiccatos, Staccato, Marcato, Tremolo, Tremolo Sul Ponticello, Multiple Trills, Pizzicato, Pizzicato Snap, Paganini Pizzicato, Scratches, Piazolla FX, Diverse Violin Effekte, Violin Percussions
The Recording
The Emotional Violin was recorded at the Mastermix Studio near Munich in a wood-panelled room with a large ceiling height and at the greatest possible distance to the wall. For maximum flexibility, two Neumann KM184 and U87 microphones were used very closely. Therefore the room amount is quite subtle, so you can use your own effects for further processing. However, you can also use the integrated Convolution Reverb.
Kontakt Player 5.7.3 or higher required.
Emotional Violin is the second virtual instrument in this series, produced by Harmonic Subtones, the makers of Emotional Cello.
Registered users of the Emotional Cello qualify for Crossgrade at a reduced price.

Die Emotional Violin wird ihrem Namen vollumfänglich gerecht: Kaum eine andere gesampelte Violine erreicht diesen Grad an Feingefühl, Intimität und Natürlichkeit und klingt derart ausdrucksstark und gehaltvoll. Die Violine lässt sich ausgesprochen leicht spielen und verlangt kaum Einarbeitung. Das verwendete Contextual Recording hat ein außergewöhnlich lebendiges, dynamisch spielbares Instrument hervorgebracht, mit mehreren Varianten eines echten Legatos und Vibratos sowie zahlreichen nahtlosen Übergängen zwischen teils einzigartigen Artikulationen.
Samples in hoher Audioqualität werden hier dank einer umfassenden Auswahl an Spielweisen und einem leistungsstarken Script zu einem flexibel spielbaren virtuellen Instrument verwoben, das sich musikalisch, dynamisch und teils sogar mit automatischen Übergängen spielen lässt.
Wer diese Solovioline für die Filmmusik und Spielevertonung nutzt, wird sich über eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher ungewöhnlicher Spielweisen freuen, mit denen sich im Nu Akzente setzen lassen. Solche Extras mit ihren speziellen Klangfarben erlauben auch avantgardistische Projekte für Jazz oder experimentelle Musik. Im polyfonen Betrieb (teils mit Legato) kann Emotional Violin auch ein kleines Ensemble überzeugend simulieren. Der Preis ist angesichts der hohen Qualität absolut gerechtfertigt.

Die Emotional Violin wird ihrem Namen vollumfänglich gerecht: Kaum eine andere gesampelte Violine erreicht diesen Grad an Feingefühl, Intimität und Natürlichkeit und klingt derart ausdrucksstark und gehaltvoll. Die Violine lässt sich ausgesprochen leicht spielen und verlangt kaum Einarbeitung. Das verwendete Contextual Recording hat ein außergewöhnlich lebendiges, dynamisch spielbares Instrument hervorgebracht, mit mehreren Varianten eines echten Legatos und Vibratos sowie zahlreichen nahtlosen Übergängen zwischen teils einzigartigen Artikulationen.
Samples in hoher Audioqualität werden hier dank einer umfassenden Auswahl an Spielweisen und einem leistungsstarken Script zu einem flexibel spielbaren virtuellen Instrument verwoben, das sich musikalisch dynamisch und teils sogar mit automatischen Übergängen spielen lässt. Wer diese Solovioline für die Filmmusik und Spielevertonung nutzt, wird sich über eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher ungewöhnlicher Spielweisen freuen, mit denen sich im Nu Akzente setzen lassen. Solche Extras mit ihren speziellen Klangfarben erlauben auch avantgardistische Projekte für Jazz oder experimentelle Musik. Im polyphonen Betrieb (teils mit Legato) kann Emotional Violin auch ein kleines Ensemble überzeugend simulieren. Der Preis ist angesichts der hohen Qualität absolut gerechtfertigt.
Andreas Ecker

The sound of the whole library is quite rich, and this is not only because the reverbs are good, as I also tried out the dry samples and they proved to be very solid and lush sounding – not too thin, as some dry samples can be. There is also a fair number of convolution spaces included, so if you don’t like the general sound, a different one is just a click away.
The versatility and quality along with the quantity of articulations and a really mellow, romantic main sound set makes this library rank quite highly compared to other virtual violins, especially in this price range. I have many different high quality violin instruments, but could easily survive with just this one. Marcato sounds quite sharp and powerful, Mellow sounds very mellow, while everything in between is also very well covered. To paraphrase Yoda: “A very playable and versatile instrument it is.” Far from being a one trick pony. Well done, my dear friends at Best Service.
complete review by Alex Arsov, Jan 2019

Mit der Emotional Violin ist den Entwicklern erneut eine lebendig spielbare Solo-Streicher-Library gelungen. Das Kontakt-Instrument ist intuitiv zu bedienen und liefert ein umfangreiches Angebot an Artikulationen, unter denen sich neben den üblichen Verdächtigen auch besondere Spieltechniken und Verzierungen befinden. Die vordefinierten Keyswitches lassen sich an die eigenen Bedürfnisse anpassen und nicht benötigte Artikulationen können aus dem Arbeitsspeicher gelöscht werden, um kostbare Rechenleistung einzusparen. Feineinstellungen für Bogenstrichwechsel, Detuning, Attack, Portamento und Legato erlauben einen tiefen Eingriff in die Spieltechniken. Nicht zuletzt durch ihren trockenen Studiosound ist die Library flexibel im Bereich Film- und Game-Scoring und zugleich auch für Songwritings in der Musikproduktion einsetzbar.
- Pro
- direkter, trockener Grundsound
- viele Artikulationen und Verzierungen
- MIDI-Learn für Keyswitches Samples können aus dem Arbeitsspeicher gelöscht werden
- Bogenstrichwechsel via Velocity und Keyswitch
- Contra
- kein Contra

Die Emotional Violin kann sowohl als Soloinstrument brillieren, wie auch in einer orchestralen Umgebung glänzen. Die ausführliche Dokumentation gibt einen sehr guten Überblick zur Software. Zusammen mit dem Emotional Cello ergibt sich ein sehr klangstarkes Duo.
Robert Allen Elliott
Film/Multimedia Composer
This Solo Violin library is the NEW standard. Often with sample libraries we are held to various limits and have to compose ‘to each library’s limits’. With dozens of articulations and dozens of ornament options we are only limited by our own creativity and vision. Having so many colors to paint with feels like I have been unshackled from the usual sample library limits. This library should allow all composers to be better at their craft – allowing articulation and timbre options heretofore not available.
Of course having many articulations and ornaments means nothing if it does not sound good. Not the case here. The player, Anton Roters, is a world-class player in which they have painstakingly captured his musicality and done so consistently throughout the library. The moment you play your first few notes, you will instantly recognize the libraries’ rich beauty – immediately inspirational.
Bernard Duc
Film Composer / Conductor
I don't know any other violin VSTi that sounds so convincing without any accompaniment! I am also very pleased with how versatile it is, I feel very inspired when I'm playing it. I have to say it was an absolute pleasure to work with this violin. The wealth of articulations makes it extremely versatile, and the "Timbre" choices allow the user to get very different sounds (all very well chosen) from this instrument.
Rolf Krüger
Trailer-Komponist (Paddington, The Current War, The BFG, SPLIT, The American Crime/Horror Story…)
Für mich ist diese Library ein echter Game Changer! Schon beim ersten Anspielen der Emotional Violin war ich begeistert von Sound und Konzept. Die Artikulationsmöglichkeiten durch die wirklich cleveren Key Switch Zuweisungen erlauben eine bisher nie dagewesene, realitätsnahe Spielweise! Eine große Auswahl an Extra Patches mit allen nur denkbaren Spieltechniken weit über den "Standart" hinaus, runden diese virtuelle Stradivari ab. 5 Stars out of 5!
This product works with the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!
The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers wesite.
System Requirements:
- macOS 10.14 or higher
- 64 bit
- Intel Core i5 or Apple M1 (native)
- RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)
- Windows 10 or higher
- 64 bit
- Intel Core i5 or similar CPU
- RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)
Supported Interfaces:
- Mac (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX
- Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX
Legacy Versions:
If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.
Required Registration:
All Best Service products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.bestservice.com for downloads or activation.
Best Service products for Kontakt Player Only require you to additionally register with www.native-instruments.com.
This product requires an activation!
This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.
To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.
An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product.