Guitar Odyssee

Guitar Odyssee


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$ 43.99

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featuring electric, acoustic, and synth guitar licks, riffs, notes, and chord patterns. to give up a promising career in brain surgery to pursue a musical dream in pre-glasnost u.s.s.r. says what kind of phenomena the producer of this stunning collection is. the respect he earned throughout western europe gave him the confidence to defect in 1993, fleeing with his family to england. dr. ika has played with most of the big name dance djs in the u.k. this cd captures the essence of what he does live, the loops illustrate his effortless speed & accuracy. also sustained chords and fx. great for use in house, trip-hop and drum and bass - but the possibilities are endless. for each sample the style, f.x/amp used, b.p.m, and key are given.

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