Insight 2 Update

Insight 2 Update

5.0 of 5

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

in stock
$ 89.0299

 4.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

*Update from Insight 1 to Insight 2

With Insight 2, you can immediately detect potential mix problems through real-time visual monitoring and color-coded alerts. Customize your view by choosing the meters you want to see, set your preferred targets, and resize the window to fit your current workflow. You can also route any audio track in your DAW to Insight 2 to quickly check loudness, levels, intelligibility, phase, frequency content, and more.

With layouts and targets for every stage of post and music production, you can deliver the optimum mix the first time around. Save time and money when mixing and mastering audio by monitoring your audio with the highest accuracy. Keep an eye as well as an ear on your mix at all times with Insight 2!

New Features Insight 2:

  • Updated look and feel
  • Redesigned to be easier to use
  • Current loudness standards
  • Multichannel support up to Dolby Atmos 7.1.2
  • Ensure that dialogue is clear in the mix with the Intelligibility Meter
  • Resize the meters and window as small or large as wanted
  • Colored warnings available for Level meters
  • Expanded interplugin communication with iZotope Relay


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
30.05.2019 Sprache: deutsch

Izotope Insight 2 bietet noch mehr Möglichkeiten als die erste Version. Alle momentan erdenklichen Situationen der Audio-Analyse für den durchschnittlichen User bis hin zur professionellen Anwendung sind berücksichtigt worden. Das Plugin kann per Relay-Funktion sogar mit anderen Izotope-Produkten kommunizieren (z. B. Ozone 8, Neutron 2, Nectar3). Einziger Kritikpunkt: Loudness-Targets für die aktuellen Streaming-Dienste (z. B Spotify) müssen manuell ohne Presets eingestellt werden.



  • macOS 10.8.5-10.15
  • 32 bit & 64 bit


  • Windows 7-10
  • 32 bit & 64 bit

Required Registration:

iZotope products require you to register with the manufacturer at to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.