Jazz Drums

Jazz Drums

1.0 of 5

ACID, Apple Loops, REX, RMX, WAV

in stock
$ 69

 3.45BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Whether it´s a slow ballad, sparsely sprinkled with drum hits, to a fast moving river of fiery flams and rolls, Jazz Drums has the loops and performances you need for authentic jazz flavor.

Picture a smoky jazz club on the wrong side of town. It´s 2am, and you´re one of the last ones left listening. You can hear the swish and swing of the brushes on snare, the accent of the kick, never the same, always unpredictable and yet in the right spot. The ride and the hihat strike up a rhythmic conversation, and it´s a pleasure to be listening in. 1059 jazz drum loops 50-200bpm

3.5 GB total (1.3 GB Wav)


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

1.0 of 5
10.06.2015 Sprache: deutsch

Für den Preis von 63€ wahr von diesem Produkt zwar nicht gerade high-end Qualität zu erwartendas Ergebnis fällt aber dennoch sehr enttäuschend aus.Die Loops sind qualitativ schlecht gesampelt (Sound und Dynamik) und schlecht geschnitten (Timing).Eine Kombination mehrer Samples aus einer Geschwindigkeitskategorie (z.B. 120 bpm) zu einerSequenz ist kaum möglich, da die einzelnen Samples nicht kompatibel zueinander sind (Sound, Dynamik und Timing).Bei deisem Drummer wundert es nicht dass der Rest der Band schon früher gegangen ist.


This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Required Registration:

Big Fish Audio products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.bigfishaudio.com to activate your license. To use Kontakt Player Libraries you also need to register with www.native-instruments.com.

This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.