

4.8 of 5
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AAX Native, AU, Mac, NKS, Standalone, VST2, Win

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$ 413.16439

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Symphobia Series just updated to 1.6



Featuring full orchestra, choir, smaller ensembles and a wide range of guest instruments, LUMINA dives into the world of fantasy, mystery and animation, adding depth and delicacy to your musical palette. Based on more recordings than ever before, this third volume in the SYMPHOBIA series is ProjectSAM’s most ambitious release yet.

Lumina BoxProjectSAM is well-known for its ensemble recording concept, and LUMINA trumps this with even finer arrangements. The warmth and beauty of orchestra and choir performing together has been captured in stunning, playable ensembles. Moreover, LUMINA is packed with superbly orchestrated textures covering the full spectrum of fantasy and mystery. Refined with grand piano, harp and percussion, these recordings are truly luminous.

LUMINA’s solo and guest instruments range from legato woodwinds, such as oboe and clarinet, to a beautifully sampled celtic harp, tin whistle and... a full bell tower! The library also pays homage to the playful world of cartoons with dedicated ensembles and phrases for careful tiptoeing and tongue-in-cheek suspense. Of course you will find ProjectSAM´s popular DYSTOPIA section, too, with all-new sound design based on LUMINA’s samples.

LUMINA is a journey of inspiration... as for each note you play, three more will spring to mind.


Multis are a much cherished feature of the SYMPHOBIA series. LUMINA builds on this concept by combining ensembles and instruments into thematic ‘Stories’.

Using clever keyboard mapping and controller assignments, Stories give you numerous musical features on one keyboard − all within a single Kontakt track. In this way, LUMINA’s ensembles, solo instruments and textures all take part in a bigger Story.

Elements within a Story can be individually purged from RAM, or instantly muted using assigned mute keys. Also, the Elements tab allows you to tweak each element separately.

Stories are great sources of inspiration, and useful starting points for a new track or arrangement. Because of the many different musical elements and well-thoughout controllers, they work great for live situations too, such as a theater show or songwriter performance.

Lumina Fairy Dust


SYMPHOBIA and SYMPHOBIA 2 offer two microphone sets: Close and Stage. These were actually mixdowns of a number of microphone positions, including the Wide microphone setup.
Direct, Ambient, Wide
In LUMINA, the recorded microphone positions have been split into three fully separate channels named Direct, Ambient and Wide.

  • Direct: a mix of spot mics, close to the instruments                         
  • Ambient: stereo pair located behind the conductor’s spot
  • Wide: 2 microphones at the very left and right sides of the orchestra

By default, all 3 mic channels are loaded and activated. The LUMINA interface allows you to individually purge them, reducing the instrument´s RAM footprint by 1/3rd or 2/3rds.

The microphone cross-fader allows you to smoothly morph between the Close and Stage ‘preset mixes’ of the three individual mic channels. To illustrate: in Close position, the Direct mic channel is fully open, Ambient is closed and Wide is slightly open. Half-way, all three mic channels are partly open. In Stage position, the Direct mic channel is closed, Ambient is fully open and Wide is significantly open. As stated in the previous chapter, the Wide mic channel can be used on its own, but it was designed to be mixed with the Direct and Ambient channels to add a sense of extra space and width to the sound.


  • Aimed at fantasy, mystery & animation
  • Designed for film, TV & video game scoring
  • Ensemble recordings (featuring full orchestra & choir)
  • Chamber ensembles (including solo strings & soprano choir)
  • Legato instruments (including soprano voice)
  • Guest instruments (including celtic harp & double bass)
  • Genuine concert hall recordings
  • Real-time mixing of direct, ambient & wide mics
  • 39 GB compressed audio pool (75 GB uncompressed)

Version 2016 en


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Flag EN spaceSoundBytes Magazine 11/2013

SoundBytes Magazine

Happy hours.

Symphobia is not so cheap library, but if you are serious with your business, that you should consider this one as an essential cinematic tool. Action, horror, war, crime.. you have them all inside one package. 749 Eur or 999 US dollars will buy you a ticket to cinematic heaven.


Flag DE spaceBonedo 09/2013

Bonedo 4,5 stars


Ähnlich wie die beiden anderen, ansprochenen Teile von Symphobia bietet Lumina klangliche Möglichkeiten, die von konventionellen Orchester-Libraries schlicht und einfach nicht erreicht werden können. Wer häufig in die Situation kommt, Soundtracks zu Film- oder Spiele-Szenen zu schreiben, der sollte sich die ProjectSAM-Libraries ganz oben auf seine Liste setzen. Der Preis ist jedenfalls angemessen.

Hervorragender Klang
Gewohnt hocheffizientes Konzept
Unkomplizierter Mixer für Mikrofonpositionen
Stories als neue Multis mit Keyswitches
Umfangreiche Ergänzung der Symphobia-Libraries


Bonedo Testbericht Lumina

Flag EN spaceSoundbytes 09/2013

Sound Bytes Logo

Excerpt: Grand finale

All in all: A very specialized library, and a good choice for any movie, soundtrack or stock library composer, especially if you already have some string orchestra library, as Lumina offers the whole spectrum of instruments and sounds that you will need to cover all movie genres and really unmissable if your aim is to compose some music for a fantasy or mystery movie. Those genres will be always popular, so I’m sure that ProjectSAM will not go out of a business. The overall quality is top-notch, the same as comes with all ProjectSAM products, so the only dilemma that you could have regarding this library is: Do you need those specific libraries compiled for those specific niches or not? It is up to you.

By A Arsov

Stories that Lumina can tell us are affordable for €849 EUR or $1099 USD (not for every pocket, I know) and will eat up 39 GB of your hard disk. Available through the ProjectSAM home page or through the

P.S. Two days before the release date of our issue I got a free Lumina update with 7 GB of additional material. There’s a new Stories “chapter”, now 16 in a total. The update includes an option to split the instruments into various groups inside the textures, so now we can use only string, choir or any other section inside any texture. There are also some new textures added. All in all, excellent library has become even better. Nice one, Project SAM.

SoundBytes review Lumina

Flag DE spaceBEAT 09/2013

Beat Magazin 5.5 Sterne

Fazit: Lumina ist ein brillantes Kreativwerkzeug für die Vertonung großer Emotionen im Hollywood-Format, das eine erstklassige Audioqualität sowie eine enorme Vielfalt an ausdrucksstarken Instrumenten und Klangfarben liefert. Diese Qualität hat natürlich ihren Preis, doch allein die inspirierenden Stories sind für professionelle Komponisten mit Deadline im Nacken schone Geld wert. Eine würdige Fortsetzung der erstklassigen Symphobia Serie


Flag DE spaceBuenas Ideas 07/2013

Buenas Ideas Tipp der RedaktionFAZIT

Lumina von ProjectSam ist ein absolut innovatives und professionelles Produkt, selten hatte ich soviel Spaß beim Testen wie bei Lumina. Wer mit möglichst wenig Zeitaufwand ansprechende Filmmusik produzieren möchte, kommt an Lumina eigentlich nicht vorbei. Die Auswahl an Instrumenten darf getrost als Genre und Flächendeckend bezeichnet werden. Auch wenn Lumina hauptsächlich für die Vertonung von Fantasy und Animationsfilmen produziert wurde, kann diese Klang- und Loop- Bibliothek für weitere Genres im Film eingesetzt werden.

Bombastische Orchesterklänge, der Glockenturm, die fantastischen Chöre und die gruselige Dynostopia Instrumente gemischt mit einer Solo Sopran Sängerin sorgen für extreme Vielfalt. Die Ladezeiten halten sich in Grenzen wenn bedacht wird wie viele Möglichkeiten zum Beispiel bei den Story Instrumenten geboten werden. Der Klang aller Instrumente ist warm und voll, durch die Möglichkeit zwischen mehreren Mikrofonierungen umschalten zu können sind die einzelnen Instrumente recht einfach im Mix einsetzbar.

Lumina ist genial, einfach und preiswert aber nicht billig, der Preis von aktuell knapp 850,- Euro für die Downloadversion, geht für das Gebotene meiner Ansicht nach voll in Ordnung.

Lumina erhält von uns einen absolut verdienten Tipp!

Prädikat: WERTVOLL!

BuenasIdeas Testbericht Lumina

Flag EN spaceMusicTech Magazine 06/2013

MusicTech Choice

MT Verdict:

It's an expensive product, but Lumina delivers a timely new strand to the Symphobia series. Perfect for epic, fantasy scores, Lumina is an inspiring and expressive isntrument


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

4.0 of 5  
02.05.2019 Sprache: deutsch

Ich bin zufrieden und es erfüllt meine Erwartungen an das Produkt. Für den einen oder anderen Sounds bietet sich eine spezialisierte Library an, aber um ein gutes MockUp zu erstellen sehr brauchbar und einfach zu bedienen.

5.0 of 5  
27.04.2019 Language: englisch

Very practical and efficient for scoring quick cues. A must for me

5.0 of 5  
05.01.2019 Sprache: deutsch

perfect für den working musician


MusicTech Mag 9/10

MusicTech Magazine, 9 Stars

Buenas Ideas, Tipp der Redaktion
Buenas Ideas, Tipp der Redaktion

Beat Magazin, 4,5 Stars
Beat Magazin, 4,5 Stars

Bonedo 4,5 stars, 4,5 Stars


Jesper Kyd
Jesper Kyd
Assassin´s Creed, Borderlands and Hitman Series

There are a lot of great sounds and gestures in Symphobia 3: Lumina. Especially the etheral choir sounds and legato woodwinds are a joy to play and a perfect addition to the already amazing sounding Symphobias!

Jeff Rona
Jeff Rona
Composer for Phantom, Traffic, God of War III & Revolution

Symphobia 3: Lumina may be one of the most generous and evocative libraries ever. I had no idea how ProjectSAM might top the incredible sounds of Symphobia 1&2, but they did!

Tom Salta
Tom Salta
Halo, Spartan Assault, Ghost REcon Series, Prince of Persia, The Forgotten Sands, Red Steel Series

I´ve been a long time fan of Symphobia Series. Symphobia III: Lumina goes in a completely new direction, offering entirely new playable ensembles and textures.


Made for Kontakt Player

This product requires the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!

The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers website.

System Requirements:


  • macOS 10.14 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or Apple M1 (native)
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or similar CPU
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)

Supported Interfaces:

  • Mac (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX
  • Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX

Legacy Versions:

If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.

Required Registration:

Project SAM products require you to register with the manufacturer at to activate your license. To use Kontakt Player Libraries you also need to register with

This product requires an activation!

This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.

To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.

An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product.