Rock-drums, basses and guitars recorded at East West Studios
Ministry Of Rock 2 was put together with one goal in mind: to create a virtual (software) instrument capable of producing sounds that could actually produce a hit record or film score without any live drum, bass, or guitar overdubs. The articulations and programming were all reverse engineered from actual performances. The 57 gigabyte collection features LIVE technology which makes multisampled drums sound like a live performance. The original Ministry Of Rock is not included in Vol. 2 - everything is totally new!
Produced by Nick Phoenix and recorded at the Legendary EASTWEST Studios by Phoenix, Doug Rogers, and Rhys Moody, Ministry Of Rock 2 features some of the industries top players like Shane Gibson, guitarist with KoRn/Stork/Schwarzenator; Greg Suran, guitarist with Goo Goo Dolls/Avril Lavigne/Glee; Doug Rappaport, guitartist with Edgar Winter/Potent; and Tal Bergman, drummer with Billy Idol, LL Cool J, Rod Stewart, Terence Trent Darby, Joe Zawinul.
The drums for Ministry Of Rock 2 were recorded in EASTWEST Studio 1 on three large rock kits from DW, Gretsch, and Ludwig, along with 6 additional snares. Top vintage and modern gear from Neve, Neumann, Telefunken, AKG, Manley, Fairchild, Royer, Chandler and Meitner were employed for a legendary sound. Repetition samples were recorded for everything as well as extreme dynamics and three mic positions for drums (close + room, or close + compressed room) to dial in the desired sound and an ultra-realistic performance. Any drum from any kit can be selected to create a custom kit, plus there are 6 additional snare drums to choose from.
Ministry Of Rock 2 guitars were recorded on Fender Jaguar, Fender Telecaster Thinline, Carvin 7 String, Baritone, Gibson Les Paul, and Schecter 7 String through Fender, Divided By Thirteen, Marshall, Mesa Boogie, Bogner and Vox Amps. Samples feature round robin, hammer on and pull off legato, sliding legato and dozens of other techniques. Dual channel recordings let you pick a wicked real amp sound or use the direct signal with popular plug-ins.
Ministry Of Rock 2 also includes all of the remastered content from Hardcore Bass and Hardcore Bass XP plus an all-new 5 string Musicman Stingray bass with 7000 samples and true legato. Fender, Hofner, Gibson, Silvertone, Rickenbacker, Musicman and Lakland basses were recorded through large bass rigs.
- 3 large rock kits (DW, Gretsch, Ludwig) recorded in East West Studio 1, plus 6 additional snares
- Any drum from any kit can be selected to create a custom kit, plus there are 6 additional snare drums to choose from
- New live technology makes multisampled drums sound like a live performance
- Repetition samples for everything and extreme dynamics
- Multiple mic positions let you dial in the right room sound
- Legendary sound using Neve, Neumann, Telefunken, AKG, Manley, Fairchild, Royer, Chandler and Meitner gear
- Fender Jaguar, Fender Telecaster Thinline, Carvin 7 String, Baritone, Gibson Les Paul, Schecter 7 String
- Fantastic tones inspired by classic and modern recordings
- All guitars feature round robin, hammer on and pull off legato, sliding legato and dozens of techniques
- Dual channel recordings let you pick a wicked real amp sound or use the direct signal with your favorite plugins
- Fender, Divided By Thirteen, Marshall, Mesa Boogie, Bogner and Vox Amps
- MOR 2 includes all the remastered content from Hardcore Bass and Hardcore Bass XP plus an all new 5 string Musicman Stingray
- Fender, Hofner, Gibson, Silvertone, Rickenbacker, Musicman and Lakland basses
- PLUS an all new 5 string Musicman Stingray bass with 7000 samples and true legato
- All basses recorded through large bass rigs
- No wimpy dry sounds

Ich bin wieder einmal begeistert über die Extrameile, die EastWest bei seinem Produkt konsequent investiert und geht. Das hört man einfach. Ob Songwriter, Film-, TV- oder Game-Komponist - für jeden Einsatz ist das passende Instrument oder das Rock-Setup dabei. Wobei ich es wie erwähnt auf keinen Fall auf dieses eine Genre beschränke! Alles klingt sehr druckvoll, homogen und ist exzellent produziert. Ich bin kein Programmierer, daher bin ich sehr dankbar, wenn ich einen Patch reinladen und sofort kreativ arbeiten/komponieren kann, ohne an die Technik denken zu müssen. Wenn die Sounds wie diese hier auch noch so inspirierend und wirklich "final" klingen, dann ist das Ziel erreicht. Natürlich vorher antesten. Meine persönliche Absolution hingegen ist hiermit offiziell erteilt!

Der CPU- und RAM-Hunger ist wie von East West gewohnt auch hier wieder relativ hoch. Die Jungs aus Kalifornien arbeiten meist am Limit des momentan Machbaren. Allerdings gibt sich MoR2 hier auch mit weniger zufrieden, als einige seiner anderen PLAY-Geschwister. Man sollte dennoch ein fittes System haben, um mit MoR2 kreativ werden zu können und Spaß zu haben. Mittlerweile läuft PLAY recht stabil; Abstürze sind während der Testphase nicht aufgetreten. Allerdings passiert es schon mal, dass die Engine plötzlich kein Audio mehr ausgibt. Im Sequenzer funktioniert weiterhin alles, nur die MoR2-Instanzen bleiben stumm – da hilft nur das Neuladen des Projektes. Allerdings trat der Fehler selten auf und war nicht reproduzierbar.
Weiterhin empfiehlt sich die Library auf eine externe Festplatte zu speichern. Muss der Sequenzer die eigenen Daten, WAVs und Samples von einer Platte streamen, bremst das ungemein aus. Es kann jedoch gesagt werden, dass man mit MoR2 gut klar kommt. Auf meinem 2 Jahre alten Windows-System lief MoR2 mit mehr als 10 Instanzen (jeweils ein Instrument) noch ohne Probleme. Allerdings sind entgegen den ausgewiesenen Mindestanforderungen an das System mindestens 4 GB RAM sehr empfehlenswert. Sonst muss der Sequenzer zu viel streamen, was das System sehr stark verlangsamt., Hervorragend
Apfelwahn, Redaktionstipp
This library includes "Opus" as a Sample-Player.
- macOS 10.13 or higher
- 64 bit
- Quad-Core CPU (Octa-Core recommended)
- 2,7 GHz or higher
- RAM: 16GB (32GB or more recommended)
- SSD hard drive (SATA or PCIe)
- Windows 10 or higher
- 64 bit
- ASIO sound driver
- Quad-Core CPU (Octa-Core recommended)
- 2,7 GHz or higher
- RAM: 16GB (32GB or more recommended)
- SSD hard drive (SATA or PCIe)
Required Registration:
EastWest products require you to register with the manufacturer at and with to activate your license.
This product requires an activation!
You can either "soft" activate on your computer without addditional hardware or transfer the license to an iLok USB dongle which has to be purchased separately. The iLok dongle can be used to run the protected software on different computers. Your licenses can be easily manged using the iLok Licence Manager. To protect your investment against theft or loss we recommend the iLok Zero Downtime protection with TLC.
An internet connection on any computer and a free user-accout at is required to authorize the product.
Please check with the software manufacturer which iLok version is required at least if you want to use a hardware iLok!