The World's First Multitrack EQ
smart:EQ 4 stands out as a sophisticated equalizer, employing intelligent analysis of your audio content and harnessing the power of AI to achieve a flawless tonal balance while addressing spectral issues. This cutting-edge tool is not confined to individual channels; it boasts hierarchical control, allowing seamless management of multiple tracks through automated spectral mixing. Unlike traditional EQs that process mixes without considering the overall context, smart:EQ 4 takes a holistic approach. To enhance your workflow, you can effortlessly control numerous instances of smart:EQ 4 remotely from a single plug-in window, ensuring a comprehensive overview during your mixing sessions.
World's first multitrack EQ
smart:filter technology creates spectral balance in individual tracks/busses/entire mixes and enables intelligent cross-channel processing between instances
Spectral mixing via drag & drop - group view for creating an unmasking hierarchy of up to ten tracks
"Remote control" of EQs of multiple tracks from any instance of the same group
Large selection of profiles for instruments, voice and entire mixes
Create custom profiles from reference tracks
Dynamic processing for standard filters with threshold, ratio, attack and release controls
Selectable processing mode for the smart:filter (Track, Group, Track & Group)
Auto gain, comprehensive M/S processing, smart states
User-defined learning time for the smart:filter calculation
- macOS 10.14 or higher
- Apple Silicon compatible
- 64 bit
- RAM: 4GB
- Windows 10
- 64 bit
- Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
Required Registration:
Sonible products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.sonible.com to activate your license.
This product requires an activation!
An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.