The Operating Table

The Operating Table


Download Size: 430 MB

max. 1 working day
$ 51.99

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THE OPERATING TABLE is an amazing groove library with irresistible feel and compelling usability, performed and produced by Emre Ramazanoglu, who brought you the FIVE STAR AWARD-winning ''Return To The Planet Of The Breaks'', and has produced for The Prodigy and William Orbit.

These sample-accurate construction kits and breakbeats derive their feel and sonic basis from live drumming technique performed by four featured drummers, but were created via extremely creative processing techiques, while preserving the real feel of a performance. Many performances change and evolve, providing multiple loop variations. Real kits are the foundation of the sound of each break, although some incorporate additional live triggered analog drum machines or software triggered sounds.

''Buy this, it'll rock the globe'' - Neil Maclellan (Producer for: Prodigy, Nine Inch Nails).

''I literally don't leave home without these breaks'' - Flood (Producer).

Here’s what Computer Music magazine (UK) said about the plugin version of this sample collection: ''Any new release has to do something pretty special to stand out from the crowd. Luckily, this latest offering from Zero-G does just that, with stacks of excellent quality, original drum breaks that are a cut above the usual stuff doing the rounds... Groove and human feel are present in abundance.. Warm, fat sounds, which cover a wide range of genres... All in all, a highly impressive package that should appeal to anyone who's looking for quality new breaks. 9/10''

Formats: WAV, Acid


This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Required Registration:

In order to use Zero-G Kontakt Player products, it is necessary to register at