The Orchestra Complete 3

The Orchestra Complete 3

4.7 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Kontakt Player, Mac, NKS, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 25.42 GB

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$ 479

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The Orchestra Complete 3

The Orchestra Complete 3 - New Features - New Instruments - New Presets

"The Orchestra Complete 3" combines the powerful orchestration capabilities that have made "The Orchestra" recognized in the composition community with brand-new articulations and the most effective new features ever. Composing faster, more freely, and more uniquely has never been simpler.

The third version, which includes all three "The Orchestra" expansions, is filled with thrilling potential and power. Among them are "Horns Of Hell", which features a diabolical "evil brass" section, "Strings Of Winter", which features a 41-piece string orchestra and captures the wild spirit of nature, and "Woods Of The Wild", which re-energizes the woodwinds to catch all that is evocative in their breath.

In addition to  these expansions comes the all-in-one package of the base orchestra, a top-quality-recorded 80-piece orchestra with a massive array of articulations and a groundbreaking ensemble engine that has been rebuilt and expanded upon. It's now simpler than ever to turn your ideas into music.

Upgrade Available

If you already own a member of the "The Orchestra" family you can upgrade to "The Orchestra Complete 3" at a very affordable price: Check your options here:

What´s Included?

TOC3 All Icons Banner

"The Orchestra Complete 3" extends our entry-level instrument "The Orchestra" with more instruments, more presets and extended powerful features. Now including:

  • Woods Of The Wild - Complete and extended woodwind section with impressive articulations like triple tongues and rips and trills. Also included are mallets, other wooden drums, and percussion.

  • Horns Of Hell - More than 65 expressive brass articulations and 120 incredible and powerful presets, including a full Organ library.

  • Strings Of Winter - 60 string articulations, two new ethnic string sections and all additional content from Strings Of Winter.

  • Sequence Designer - In addition to the default options, you can create your own unique musical patterns. You have the option to change each of these sequences separately, which gives you the ability to make more intricate compositions.

  • Pure Performance Legato - We are pleased to present a powerful legato engine that has undergone a complete redesign. Because the engine can differentiate between the two articulations without the use of keyswitches, you can play both fast true legato and staccato runs without any hassles.

  • Main Page: Voicing Selection - Assign which instrument plays which note of the chord to allow for more realistic ensemble sounds. Or choose from over 90 pre-arranged Voicings. The Ensemble Engine is just like having a real-life orchestrator working for you.

  • Additional presets and multi-instruments - Discover how the Voicings (208 presets), Rhythms (239 presets), and Animated Orchestra settings (223 presets) work with the 5-part arranging engine by exploring the presets to get the most out of "The Orchestra Complete 3". Updated Voicings that use and bring together the expanded libraries in innovative and expressive ways are also included in "The Orchestra Complete 3".
  • MIDI Export - "The Orchestra Complete 3" comes with MIDI-Export. Patterns and arrangements generated by the engine can be exported onto separate MIDI Tracks, opening endless possibilities.

The Core – The Ensemble Engine

The Ensemble Engine works through a number of independent arpeggiators and velocity envelopes, heavily inspired by the Sonuscore Origins-Series.

Create Complex Arrangements With Simple Chords

Create pulsating rhythms and inspiring full arrangements with simple chords and without the use of any pre-recorded phrases. At the heart of "The Orchestra Complete 3" is the Ensemble Engine, which allows this inspiring dance of instruments and rhythms to unfold before your very eyes with only the press of a chord.

  • 3 independent arpeggiators and 2 velocity envelopes can be assigned to create vivid and powerful orchestral voicings

  • Create and customize your own patterns through the sequencer designer.

  • Load up to 5 different instruments in independent slots and play them together.

  • Every slot can be assigned to one of five different modules.

  • Assign percussion to the arpeggiator to create pulsating rhythms.

  • Voicings selection - Assign which instrument plays which note of the chord to allow for more realistic ensemble sounds. Or you can choose from our 90+ pre-arranged Voicings.

TOC 3 Main GUI Screen

Compose Faster with Full Instrumental Groups

Choose from nearly 700 Presets in Three Categories.

  • Orchestral Voicings - Orchestral Voicings include various playable arrangements of instruments that create the fullest and richest orchestral sound.

  • Orchestral Rhythms - Orchestral Rhythms presets bring you cinematic and expressive rhythms that take full advantage of the Ensemble Engine.

  • Animated Orchestra - Making full use of all the possibilities of the Ensemble Engine, the Animated Orchestra presets are for the most complex and magical musical ideas.

Export Your Custom Performance

Drag and drop MIDI to your DAW. Once you have been inspired by a preset or have created your own complex arrangement, drag and drop your passage right from the Kontakt orchestra nki to your DAW. Unleash the power of the Customizer Engine onto your personal template, change notes, combine different patterns, and make them your own.

Take Full Control Over The Ensemble

Work quickly and intuitively with our straightforward user interface.

On the Engine page you can access all individual controls for each of the five instrument modules. Short notes can be arranged with the arpeggiators, while sustained notes can be shaped with the velocity envelope. Create the orchestral colors as you need them and let the magic happen.

TOC3 Ensemble

  • Arpeggiator - The arpeggiator creates fascinating melodic patterns to give your project a rich and lively orchestral feeling. Change the pattern of the arpeggiator with the rhythm stepper. If needed, you can modify almost every parameter to stay in full control of your orchestral voicing.

  • Sequence Designer - The Sequence Designer is included in the arpeggiator. This allows you to create in detail your own musical passages. Instead of following the specific styles of preset arpeggios, create your own and make it as complex as you’d like.

  • Velocity Envelope - Shape your sustain sounds with the Velocity Envelope, adding to your sound a recurring dynamic movement from a sustained note. The centerpiece is the envelope shape, which can be drawn freely.

Play Over 280 Instruments / Articulations Freely

Create full and detailed orchestrations from scratch. Play your ideas and your melodies freely with countless single instruments. Included are all standard sections and articulations from a symphonic orchestra, including percussion as well as tonal percussion (Marimbaphone, Vibraphone, Xylophone and Glockenspiel) and as a bonus: choir, piano, cembalo, celesta and a massive church organ.

Pure Performance Legato

With our Pure Performance Legato technology, you can play both fast true legato and staccato runs without any problems, as the engine can distinguish between both articulations without the need for keyswitches. Special attention was paid to the integration of the true legato transitions, fitting each of the more than 400 transitions per instrument independently into the intervals in a way that allows for a very smooth and playable legato.

Ensemble-Multi Patches: Unleash The Full Orchestral Power

Multis take the Ensemble Engine even further toward instant playability and epic sound as they load and layer multiple instances of "The Orchestra". The easiest way to create complex orchestral arrangements.

TOC3 Ensemble Multipatches

There are full playable orchestral multis for single articulations that work perfectly for quick sketching and layering. Orchestral Rhythm and Animated Orchestra Multis combine multiple instances of the Ensemble Engine to create even more complex patterns.

The Samples: Rough, Unpolished And Human

"The Orchestra" was recorded and processed with the intention to sound a bit rougher and more “honest” than the common Hollywood-sounding orchestra vst. It offers an alternative and promises straight and powerful sounds, punch and a vivid musical experience.

The instruments for "The Orchestra" were recorded in Budapest at the renowned Studio 22 in their traditional seating position and mixed and edited with great attention to detail. This way the different sections blend together perfectly in the same room. All essential articulations are available, including playable true legato samples and multiple round robins for short articulations.

Preset Browser

The updated preset browser is available for "The Orchestra Complete 3", "Strings Of Winter", "Horns Of Hell" and "Woods of the Wild". Explore the massive selection of presets using intuitive filters and categories.

Choose Your Favorite Interface Design

"The Orchestra Complete 3" by default loads each instrument in the appropriate design. If you prefer a different design, you can switch it anytime via the instrument settings.

TOC3 All Three GUI Screen

Key Features

  • Breakthrough Ensemble Engine

  • Play freely or create stunning orchestral colors with simple chords

  • Complete set of standard articulations for all instruments

  • True Legato Interval Sampling

  • 670 ready-to-go ensemble presets

  • 364 Multi-Rack Patches

  • 25GB of data

  • 40,000+ individual Samples

  • Fast loading times

The Orchestra: The Power of a Full Orchestra at your Fingertips

"The Orchestra" was developed for Best Service by Sonuscore / Dynamedion, the makers of Trinity Drums as well as NI Action Strings, Action Strikes and Emotive Strings.

Dynamedion was founded in 2000 by Tilman Sillescu and Pierre Langer, two composers with university degrees in music. With a steadily increasing number of contracts and growing customer base it has since become a leader in soundtrack composition and sound design on the European computer game market. In 2005 Dynamedion produced highly successful, first benchmark live orchestra recordings for a German game soundtrack, setting the standard for large-scale projects in the industry. With numerous further orchestral productions for the video game industry, Dynamedion has earned itself a reputation for unsurpassed quality and integrity in this area.

Minimum required free Kontakt Player or full Kontakt version 6.7.

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Flag DE spaceDigital-Notes 12/2022

Digital-Nots Ausziechnung

"Mit The Orchestra 3 Complete ist Best Service ein großer Wurf gelungen. Die Instrumente, bis auf das Timpani, das etwas schwach auf der Brust ist, haben mich voll überzeugt.Klare Empfehlung!"

Ganzer Testbericht bei Digital-Notes

Flag EN spaceSample Library Review 09/2020

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Pete Checkley reviews The Orchestra Complete 2 by Sonuscore.

"As a long time 'The Orchestra' user, I was really excited to see there has been yet another upgrade and update. In this video we check out the new features, new instruments, expanded  presets to find out if this package really is The easiest way to compose orchestral music!"

Sample Library Review 09/2020

Flag EN spaceMikael Baggström 09/2020

"A complete bundle and power house of an orchestra library, including a really advanced and powerful engine for creating rhythms, layers and all kinds of stuff [...]" Click here for full review.

Mikael "Mike" Baggström 
Music Composer / Sound Designer

Flag DE spaceBonedo 09/2020

Bonedo 5 von 5


The Orchestra Complete 2 erweitert die Library um Bläser, Orgel und Percussion. Nun ist das Orchester komplett.  Ganze 475 Presets stehen bereit, eigene Patterns lassen sich programmieren. Somit lässt sich das Arrangement auch individualisieren. Es ist wirklich faszinierend, wie einfach und schnell man hiermit ein Orchester-Arrangement oder komplette Scores erzeugen kann – auch ohne Vorkenntnisse zum Thema Arrangement und Orchesterinstrumente. Dass dann die Klangqualität insgesamt hervorragend ist, macht das Ganze wirklich komplett. Ein tolles Tool.

The Orchestra Complete 2 ist für alle geeignet, die gerne sinfonische und klassische Elemente in ihrer Musik verarbeiten wollen, ohne sich aber mit der Theorie beschäftigen zu müssen. Trotzdem ist die Library auch für professionelle Anwender zu empfehlen, denn die können mit diesem System schnell musikalische Skizzen entwerfen oder auch kleine Filme im Handumdrehen mit klassischen Elementen vertonen. Zeit ist Geld

Kompletter TOC 2 Testbericht bei Bonedo

Flag EN spaceSoundBytes Magazine 09/2019 V1

SoundBytes logo

Presenting the best “sketchpad” for orchestral arrangements available today … and it brings its own sounds too.

If you read our previous article about this tool then you know that you can build your orchestra on your own, adding up to five different orchestral instruments/sections, combining it into the final instrument that will be triggered through your keyboard playing. So, it’s not just that you can choose patterns for further harmonization, but you can also set up the orchestra for that pattern to your liking.

Also, all sections and instruments contain the majority of widely used articulations, more or less all that you will ever need.

There are also some new instruments, as inside The Orchestra Complete we get the new Strings of Winter library that is otherwise sold separately, bringing some really cool articulations and sounds, adding a totally new character to this orchestra. I should also mention here that the Strings of Winter European 41-piece string orchestra sounds impressive and quite authentic. On the more exotic side we also get the Mongolian State Morin Khuur Ensemble, a two strings instrument from Mongolia.

All in all, I’m more than happy to have this one. Enough goodies to keep me and my orchestral arrangements happy through the winter.

Alex Arsov

Full review for The Orchestra Complete at SoundBytes Magazine

Flag DE spaceKeys 10/2019 V1


+ Kinderleicht zu bedienen

+ produktionsfertige Orchester-Zusammenstellungen für viele filmische Motive und Szenen

+ übergreifende dynamische Steuerung per Modulationsrad

+ authentische, lebendige Rhythmik und Arpeggios durch ausgefeilte Engine

+ alle ausdrucksstarken neuen Instrumente der TO Strings Of Winter Kollektion enthalten

+ fairer Preis

Kompletter Test im KEYS Heft Oktober 2019


Flag EN spaceSound On Sound 09/2019 V1

Sound On Sound


The Orchestra Engine offers a creative goldmine of driving rhythms and animated orchestral textures, the content of which is entirely up to the user. The individual instrument patches, although relatively basic compared to more ‘specialist’ libraries, are very useful in their own right. However, it’s the Engine that’s the heart and soul of this library — just start playing and you’ll be hooked.

Full review for The Orchestra Complete at SOS

Flag DE 09/2020 V2

sehr gut


Mit der Erweiterung „Horns of Hell“ und den zusätzlichen Presets, Instrumenten und Patches gehen Sonuscore und Best Service den eingeschlagenen Weg erfolgreich weiter und verbessern „The Orchestra“ erneut. Das klangliche Potential ist enorm; geradezu fantastisch ist es dann, dass man das Material leicht anpassen und verändern oder sich von Grund auf eigene Soundgebilde schaffen kann. Dank der leistungsstarken, aber trotzdem leicht zu bedienenden Engine ist das auch für Orchester-Neulinge nach kurzer Einarbeitungszeit überhaupt kein Problem. Da auch der Preis absolut ok ist, kann ich „The Orchestra Complete“ nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich bin gespannt, was da als nächstes kommt!

Ganzer Testbericht bei für The Orchestra Complete

Flag DE spaceBuenas Ideas 08/2019 V1



Der MIDI-Export macht den großen Vorzug von The Orchestra, seine internen Arpeggiatoren zugänglicher und flexibler. Mit den Pattern als Noten zur Verfügung lässt sich schnell und effizient arrangieren.

Die Strings Of Winter Expansion fügt in den Streichern die Portion extravagante Klangfarbe hinzu, die bisher gefehlt hat. Diese kalten, rauen Klänge passen sich auch gut in den eher direkten und ungeglätteten Charakter der Bibliothek ein. Damit erweitert sich das Repertoire in Richtung dramatischer Filmmusik und speziell klanglichem Suspense erheblich.

Ganzer Testbericht bei Buenas Ideas für The Orchestra Complete

Flag EN spaceSample Library Review 07/2019 V1

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SLR Headline
"Best Service / Sonuscore takes its fan-favorite orchestral Kontakt instrument and expands on it in an epic manner. The Orchestra Complete 
is a gem for not only quickly sketching out orchestral performances and discovering inspiring new passages, but it also boasts a revised and updated sample pool with newly recorded cinematic and world strings articulations that have me falling in love all over again with this virtual instrument."

The Orchestra Complete first look


Flag DE 10/2019 V1 Logo


"Mich hat The Orchestra Complete rundum begeistert. Aus meiner Sicht sollte diese Library zur Standard-Ausrüstung eines jeden Musikers gehören, der gerne mit Orchesterklängen aller Art arbeitet. Man hat eine riesige Soundauswahl und über die Ensemble Engine mit ihren automatisierten Patterns erreicht man wirklich schnell überzeugende Ergebnisse." - Gerald Dellmann

Den kompletten Testbericht finden Sie bei


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

4.0 of 5
05.12.2024 Language: englisch

Although the instruments are not on par with what I really expected, it's still above reasonable quality wise. What I find tremendous though is the ability to construct and play with orchestral ideas and moods. I LOVE the MIDI-export, and now I'm waiting for the creators to surprise me with something similar in the genre of World music.

5.0 of 5
16.11.2024 Language: englisch

I just purchased TheOrchestra Complete 3. It is easy to use and quick for getting ideas down. I would recommend this for anyone who wants to understand the relationships between orchestral sections and instruments. The "engine" is completely customizable so it can save you alot of time while creating rhythmic passages. The volume of presets is tremendous. They serve as a great starting point for your compositions. I find that the sound of the instruments blend well with non-orchestral styles of music and instrumentations. I have used this for augmenting rock,jazz and electronic music. Overall I am very happy with my purchase!

5.0 of 5
29.08.2024 Language: englisch

This is an amazing product. In the short time I have had it, I have been impressed with the fantastic sound and capability of it. Easy to install and easy to use, it will be my go-to for orchestra backing.


KVR Choice Award
KVR Audio 2020 Reader's Choice
 "The Orchestra Family"

SLR Best Of 2020

Amazona Sehr Gut
Sehr Gut

SoundBytes Logo
All in all, I’m more than happy to have this one. Enough goodies to keep me and my orchestral arrangements happy through the winter. Alex Arsov for SoundBytes Mag

Bonedo 5 stars


Made for Kontakt Player

This product requires the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!

The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers website.

System Requirements:


  • macOS 10.14 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or Apple M1 (native)
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or similar CPU
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)

Supported Interfaces:

  • Mac (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX
  • Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX

Legacy Versions:

If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.

Required Registration:

All Best Service products require you to register with the manufacturer at for downloads or activation.

Best Service products for Kontakt Player Only require you to additionally register with

This product requires an activation!

This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.

To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.

An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product.