Transition Whooshes Vol.1

Transition Whooshes Vol.1

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$ 29

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Sounds for transitions and movement

The Transition Whooshes Vol.1 library features a wide selection of whoosh sounds made for the most popular applications in audio post-production. White noise whooshes, doppler whooshes, tone whooshes, wood stick swishes, and specially created, one-of-a-kind whooshes for that additional drive. The sounds are excellent for camera cuts, movement support, as well as pass-bys, combat scenes, and more, making them ideal for YouTubers, video editors, advertisements, and radio. Additionally, this library is a wonderful choice if you're just getting started with sound design because it has whoosh sounds for practically every need. However, even experienced sound designers will uncover at least some hidden treasure in this sound pack!

Included are 104 sound files each containing several variations, all carefully metadata tagged, recorded and edited in 96kHz, 24bit giving you the opportunity to manipulate the sounds without loosing quality.

Product Information

  • Files: 104

  • Sounds: 444

  • Size: 1.16 GB

  • Format: 96khz/24bit

  • Channels: Stereo-Wav

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This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


For your own protection this library is provided as individual personalized files including a Digital Water Mark - DWM!