Cinematique Instruments 1

Cinematique Instruments 1

5.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, ENGINE, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win
Download Size: 1.64 GB

in stock
$ 199

 9.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Cinematique Instruments sets the focus on weird, odd and rare instruments which add a subtle and individual character to your music production.

Cinematique Instruments recorded nearly everything they could get their hands on! The 2GB library contains wonderful string instruments such as an autoharp, a 36 string instrument with a series of chord bars, a kantele, a traditional plucked 5-string instrument of the zitherfamily native to Finland, a wooden celtic nylon harp or a bowed psaltery, an instrument of the zither family such as a kind of a wooden soundbox with unstopped strings over it.

CI banner 1

On top of a nice collection of percussion sounds, Cinematique Instruments features also strange and rare keyboard instruments such as the low-price, garbage Super-Sound EK-470 e-piano, the charming organ with its electric fan which blows air across reeds or the organic and warm Zeitter & Winkelmann Piano.

But there are also special sound packs called Glass, Metallic Objects, Experimental Box and Downbeat Box. These sound packs are an amazing source of individual und inspriring textures, pads, mallets and percussions instruments.Doors and sideboards of metallic kitchens were beaten and knocked with timpani mallets, brushes, sticks, fingers and fists. Also lids and glass rims were tapped on with fingers and timpani mallets. They assembled instruments from unique sounds such as station announcements, trains, paper cumpling, acoustic and electronic noises, station hum, underground railway sounds, pneumatic doors, crown cap shaking, glitches, noises, hiss, hum and other weirdness.

CI banner 2

You will get the following instruments:

  • Autoharp, Bowed Psaltery, Celtic Nylon Harp, Kantele, Muted Baritone Ukulele

  • Magnus Harmonica Organ, Rhodes Mark I, Super Sound EK-470

  • Zeitter & Winkelmann Piano

  • Glass, Spieluhr & Glockenspiel, Metallic Objects

  • Downbeat Box, Experimental Box

  • Bongos, Chimes, Guiro

  • Percussion Set 1, Ocean Drum, Shaker, Spring Drum, Tambourine

As an additional bonus you get the Beach Towel Drums and 10 specially designed patches of the whole library.

Cinematique Instrument´s goal and ultimate ambition is to inspire everyone by using its highly playable and unique instruments providing a lot of opportunities for your music production.

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Flag EN spaceThe Audio Newsroom 06/2010

ANR logo


Cinematique Instruments definitely lives up to my expectations (and to its name). It provides plenty of unique and inspiring patches. I’ve already started using some of them on a track I was working on in these days. If you’re a sound-designer, or even if you’re a producer who needs to add some new spices to a song, I’d recommend getting it.
Being a sampled library, there’s no trial version available. But you can listen to some audio demos on the official website. The price-tag can look at first a bit expensive (199 euro incl. VAT), but considering the huge amount of carefully crafted sounds you get, and the fact some of these instruments are quite rare, I’d say it’s fair (and if you’re a pro, it will easily pay for itself).

full CI review at ANR

Flag DE spaceBonedo 05/2013

Bonedo Logo


Wer eine blankpolierte Sound-Library ohne Makel sucht, der wird hier nicht fündig. Dafür gibt es eine ungewöhnliche Zusammenstellung musikalisch gut verwendbarer Instrumente und Sounds voller Charakter und Seele, die mir gut gefallen. Wer auf diese Art der puristischen Ästhetik steht, wird nicht viele Alternativen zu Cinematique Instruments finden und vermutlich lange Freude an den zeitlosen und warmen Sounds haben.

Bonedo Testbericht CinematiqueInstruments1

Flag DE spaceBEAT 11/2010

Beat Redaktionsempfehlung


Als exklusive Sammlung exotischer Instrumente in hervorragender Klangqualität vermag Cinematique Instruments auf ganzer Linie zu überzeugen. Die edlen und äußerst expressiven Klänge stellen eine wahre Bereicherung für Film- und Gamemusik-Produzenten, aber auch eine einzigartige Inspiration für Musiker verschiedenster Genres dar.

Flag EN May 2011

abridgment: I give this library 4.5 out of 5 subs, it’s really fun, unique and stands in it’s own space when it comes to the sound and tone of the library.
If you’re like me and you like to explore and venture into new and unique sounds this is definitely a collection to have.
SoundsAndGear review CinematiqueInstruments1

Flag DE spaceTestbericht 17.5.2010 Logo

Für Filmmusik wird oft ein Orchester herangezogen – oder dementsprechende Libraries. Um aber einen eigenen Charakter zu bekommen, braucht es oft weitere Klänge. Diese kann man wiederum selber aufnehmen – oder kaufen.


Kino oder Video?

Hier bekommt man tatsächlich einige Instrumente, die nicht dem Standard entsprechen – und das im positiven Sinne. Etwas mehr gefreut hätte mich, wenn die Keyrange überall gleich gewesen wäre. Viele Sounds haben einen sehr edlen oder eigenen Charakter. Die einzige Alternative für diesen Preis ist die „tonehammer“-Library.

Die Installation könnte meiner Meinung nach noch etwas einfacher laufen. Der Player lief den ganzen Test über stabil und machte auch mit mehreren Instanzen keine Probleme. Schade, dass die Knöpfe zum Anwählen des nächsten oder vorherigen Sounds nur dann zu sehen sind, wenn man das Patch links im Rack und nicht rechts im Browser angewählt hat.

Recording Testbericht CinematiqueInstruments1


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
11.01.2016 Language: englisch

This product integrates with the Best Service ENGINE, which I personally prefer over other samplers, such as Kontakt. I like its simple layout, the way it's organized and how it stays compact. There's little scrolling you need to do and the powerful context menu makes the separate browser view pretty much obsolete making it possible to control most of the things within a single view - everything ready just at your fingertips. Cinematique Instruments 1 has an interesting selection of various instruments sampled with care (or so I assume because they all sound awesome). Many of the instruments I did not have before, others I did but they were pale in comparison. The percussion selection in this library sounds very authentic, for instance in the bongos I can hear 5 alternating samples making it useable even you hit the same note multiple times in a row. Add to that different samples at different velocities, some release samples and the different type of strikes you can hit with the bongos, you can quickly count that the total number of samples are enough to create such variety in the sound of the instrument that you do not have to worry whether it's going to sound natural. The only dissappointment in this library is the Rhodes Mk 1, an instrument I already had in my collection of sounds. It doesn't sound bad, it just sounds the same and I feel like it's lacking editing options to alter its tone. Other than that this is an excellent library, 5 stars.

5.0 of 5
01.01.2016 Sprache: deutsch

Vielleicht nicht immer sofort anwendbar, aber eine Bereicherung für jede cinematic Kollektion


Beat Redaktionsemfehlung

BEAT, Empfehlung der Redaktion


Engine poweredBest Service ENGINE 2 Sample Player is included with this product!


  • macOS 10.14 - macOS 14
  • 64 bit
  • Apple Silicon (support via Rosetta 2)
  • Intel Mac
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB


  • Windows 8-11
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Intel Core processor
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB 

The latest Engine 2 and a tutorial video can be downloaded here:

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