

release date: 26.02.2019
5.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 89.02

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FETpressor GUI

Feedback type compressor plug-in

PSP FETpressor is a FET feedback type compressor plug-in. It’s designed to provide accurate, almost instant compression with lots of character. Great for vocals, guitars, bass, drums, and whenever a classic 1970s-style FET compressor is needed.

PSP FETpressor contains everything you’d expect from a FET compressor: an internal side chain high pass filter to control amount of low frequency pumping, smoothly adjustable compression ratio, ability to select which channel to process, and a link switch. This compressor also contains a dry signal blend for parallel compression. Additionally PSP FETpressor contains makeup amplifier and output transformer emulations to add subtle character even when set to 1:1 ratio.

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The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
27.03.2020 Language: englisch

very good quality compressor

5.0 of 5
24.10.2019 Sprache: deutsch

Guter Kompressor für Voice Overs



  • macOS 10.8 or higher
  • Intel processor


  • Windows 7-10

Required Registration:

PSP Audioware products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.pspaudioware.com and with www.ilok.com to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

You can either "soft" activate on your computer without addditional hardware or transfer the license to an iLok USB dongle which has to be purchased separately. The iLok dongle can be used to run the protected software on different computers. Your licenses can be easily manged using the iLok Licence Manager. To protect your investment against theft or loss we recommend the iLok Zero Downtime protection with TLC.

An internet connection on any computer and a free user-accout at www.ilok.com is required to authorize the product.

Please check with the software manufacturer which iLok version is required at least if you want to use a hardware iLok!